peter and dr. connors sitting at a table

Oh look, annoying men are yet again complaining about Spider-Man

There are certainly characteristics of Spider-Man characters that they must have. Often, their gender and race doesn’t really matter when it comes down to it. It is more about the more obvious nods to the character.

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You’ve got your metal arms making someone look like an octopus with some fun round glasses (Doc Ock). Then there is the green and purple vibes of the Green Goblin. When it comes to Dr. Connors aka the Lizard, there is really nothing you need more than a lab coat and the doctor having only one arm. That’s kind of the Lizard’s entire deal.

Still, it seems as if the usual suspects are mad that Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has a woman as Dr. Connors. To be “fair,” the misogynistic and racist YouTuber known as “Nerdrotic” posted an image of Peter Parker and Dr. Connors from the show working together and wrote “Disney Marvel’s Dr. Connors AKA The Lizard from Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.” But knowing his base and how Nerdrotic responds to anyone who isn’t white and/or male, this wasn’t an innocent post.

In the replies, his followers all posted things like “they just can’t help themselves” and one asked “Did they gender and race swap every single character?” while white Peter Parker is literally in the image. Luckily, actual fans of Spider-Man saw Connors in the show, recognized her as Dr. Connors, and got excited to watch her progression to the Lizard begin!

The idea that there is something wrong with a change to characters is ridiculous. Especially when one of the best gender swaps recently was Kathryn Hahn’s take on Doc Ock in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse but I guess when you don’t have taste…

If y’all weren’t bigots, you too could enjoy art

Every single time these YouTubers get angry about something, all they do is trash it. Aren’t you bored? You are just mad about everything and try to turn that around and blame the “woke” crowd for ruining everything. I don’t know man, I get to see new Spider-Man stories more often than I was before and I am very happy about it.

They’re mad about every single thing they claim to love. With tweets about Doctor Who and Star Wars, as they trash The Rings of Power, all they’re doing is making themselves miserable and spreading that misery to the people who think that they know what they’re talking about. Why do any of that when you can simply enjoy your lives and watch something that makes you happy?

Every single episode of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is a perfect look into who Peter Parker is. We’re looking at characters we know and love in new ways and that’s fun to me! If you don’t think that’s fun, go ahead and simply leave the show alone. It is that easy. You don’t have to watch these shows and ruin everyone else’s time.

I cannot wait to see this take on Dr. Connors and see how they’ll bring her story to life. And that’s all that matters, that fans really love what is happening on these shows.

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