Donald Trump speaks at a House Republicans Conference

‘We may NEVER forgive you, America’: Trump’s Thanksgiving post is being brutally compared to Kamala Harris’, and Americans mourn the lost election

A Tale of Two Thanksgivings.

When it comes to the state of American politics, there’s not much to be thankful for this year. But despite suffering a devastating loss in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, Kamala Harris is still finding the best in people—unlike a certain orange-faced someone I could name.

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2024 might take the cake (or pumpkin pie) for the most uncomfortable Thanksgiving dinner of all time. Regardless of how you and that one weird uncle who always drinks too much at your family’s annual July Fourth celebration fall on the political spectrum, however, you can’t deny that Democratic nominee Kamala Harris understood the whole point of the holiday season much better than her opponent, who instead used Thanksgiving to senselessly bash his constituents—in the most Trump way possible.

Kamala Harris’ Thanksgiving message celebrates unity while Trump’s celebrates hate

Instead of using Thanksgiving as a chance to promote a charity or give back to his community, Trump chose to do what he does best: bully people online. And clearly, there are some glaring differences between his celebration and Harris.’ Taking to alt-right safe haven Truth Social on Thursday, Trump mocked liberals, saying they “miserably failed” on the heels of Election Day and shamelessly boosted his own ego, unsurprisingly finding a way to make the holiday all about himself.

“Happy Thanksgiving to all including to the Radical Left Lunatics who have worked so hard to destroy our Country, but who have miserably failed, and will always fail, because their ideas and policies are so hopelessly bad that the great people of our Nation just gave a landslide victory to those who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” 

Oh, and don’t worry! It totally gets worse. Trump’s team also uploaded a truly head-scratching AI-generated video parodying National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation in which he bursts out of a Thanksgiving turkey dancing to “YMCA” by the Village People. Yes, it’s absolutely as uncanny valley as it sounds—and rightfully, social media users are calling out Trump for his deplorable behavior.

Meanwhile, Harris and her husband, Doug Emhoff, spent Thanksgiving Day volunteering at a DC nonprofit, where they served turkey dinners to those in need. And perhaps nothing exemplifies the stark contrast between Harris and the Angry Red Hat Man quite like their respective Thanksgiving messages, as Harris posted a video to X (Twitter) in which she and Emhoff thanked U.S. service members and celebrated family as opposed to name-calling strangers online … crazy concept, right?!

If this isn’t a sign of things to come, I don’t know what is. Considering that well over 70 million Americans cast their vote for Trump, I think we can expect to hear a lot more of this division and hatred at the family Thanksgiving dinner table in the coming years. Seriously, I have to ask … is this the guy you want to represent your country? A man who, as opposed to feeding the hungry and stressing the importance of unity in these tumultuous times, makes fun of the very people he represents?

But hey, happy Thanksgiving, I guess? I can’t wait to see what the MAGA mob has in mind for Christmas.

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