Donald Trump speaking at a town hall Q&A

‘This is how our freedom ends’: Trump’s proposed education system isn’t sitting well with Americans

Suddenly, the No Child Left Behind Act doesn’t seem so bad.

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In the wake of Donald Trump’s surprising win, balls are beginning to be set into motion. One of them is a 10-point plan to help rebuild the American school system. Under any other President, this would be a good thing. Unfortunately, since this is Trump we’re talking about, it is safe to say that it’s not good news.

Call to Activism on X (formerly Twitter) posted a video of Trump detailing his 10-point plan.

Besides stating that dissenting teachers would be fired, Trump then goes on to say that “we will teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they’re taught.” Immediately after, he says that they will “support bringing back prayer to our schools.”

This should alarm you. It absolutely should. As user Mikoy pointed out, this is, in essence, Christian Nationalism.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution is the separation of church and state, defined by “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” That is one of the bases on which this country was founded. If Trump and his supporters truly wanted children to learn to love their country and not be “taught to hate it,” then they should have them study the founding documents more closely.

A key thing it seems that Trump supporters–and perhaps many Republicans in general–seem to consistently ignore is that there is a reason for patriotic apathy. The children in school now are the children of Millennial parents. Millennials have lived through and grown up during the War on Terror and have seen how it has destroyed the legitimacy of this country. There is a reason many of us don’t feel particularly patriotic. For me especially I could not, in good conscience, be proud of a country who prioritized a search for so-called “weapons of mass destruction” that did not exist.

We all know that this was the plan all along. Mandated (Christian) prayer. An essential brainwashing attempt on children. The fact that Trump also makes a “you’re fired” joke regarding the teachers? He does not care. None of them have you or your children’s best interests at heart. They want to build a country to fit their specific idea of what is considered “good.”

If you voted for Trump and have children, well, good luck. That is all I have to say.

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Image of Rachel Tolleson
Rachel Tolleson
Rachel (she/her) is a freelancer at The Mary Sue. She has been freelancing since 2013 in various forms, but has been an entertainment freelancer since 2016. When not writing her thoughts on film and television, she can also be found writing screenplays, fiction, and poetry. She currently lives in Brooklyn with her cats Carla and Thorin Oakenshield but is a Midwesterner at heart. She is also a tried and true emo kid and the epitome of "it was never a phase, Mom," but with a dual affinity for dad rock. If she’s not rewatching Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul she’s probably rewatching Our Flag Means Death.