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Guy Fawkes Day is in a couple of days, and if you aren’t the sort to wear plastic masks resembling the iconic visage, then Matthew Borgatti has taken to Etsy to provide you with a Guy Fawkes bandana that doubles as a mask.
The bandana is available for purchase for $16.50, with a cost $3.50 shipping for the U.S. and Canada, and $6 shipping for everywhere else. The bandana os foldable, so you can have af ull Fawkes face, or a half Fawkes face. For each bandana purchased, Borgatti will send one to one of the Occupy branches around the world. If you saw South Park last night, Occupy Red Robin probably won’t be one of them to receive a bandana.
(Etsy via The High Definite)
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Published: Nov 3, 2011 02:45 pm