Morning of the Trailers: First Look at Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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It’s pretty uncommon that we get this excited about TV shows first thing in the morning, and we’ll have some awesome stuff about robots and science for you to read in just a little while here, we promise, but man, this morning is a really good one for TV shows. First we had the new trailer for Arrested Development, now we’ve got a first look at Joss Whedon’s superhero crime drama Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I’m sorry, you’ll have to bear with me here. Every time I type the phrase “Joss Whedon’s superhero crime drama,” I seem to get a little swoony in my feelings place. I’m sure it will pass. Until it does, though, I’m just gonna watch that trailer again. And again. And…well, you get it.

Can’t spare the whole thirty seconds it takes to watch the promo proper? You can check out footage from the recently picked up ABC show in this Vine trailer, too, which also makes a handy approximation of what a TV show looks like through a seizure. If, on the other hand, you’re like us and have nothing better to do than watch trailers all morning, then by all means, check out the site for the new show, where you can find out how to get ABC to release MOAR TRAILER. Ok, we’ll tell you right now, just tag a tweet #coulsonlives. It’s not exactly rocket surgery.

This is looking pretty good right now, and we deeply and heartily approve of the return of Agent Phil Coulson to the Marvel U. We also, of course, approve of Joss Whedon getting another TV show, and not just because our nerd cards would be taken away and burned if we espoused any other viewpoint. Here’s hoping that having the muscle of the Marvel Universe behind it will help to keep a Joss Whedon show on the air for more than two seasons, as it’s been too long since that was a thing that happened. Of course, the baggage of continuity  may also keep Whedon and his colleagues from getting as dark and weird as they did in, for example, the excellent but not exactly accessible Dollhouse. Whatever the order of operations is here, I can’t wait to watch a lot of this show. Shall we call it six seasons and ALL THE MOVIES? Yes, let’s.

(via Marvel)

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