So Monday 26, August, is the national day to celebrate man’s best friend. Yes, that snoring, farting, hair-shedding beast that you said wouldn’t sleep in your bed but now claims more space than you has a day devoted to it. Let’s peruse the best memes to celebrate National Dog Day!
Dog. Man’s best friend. For thousands of years they have been putting up with our nonsense. It’s nice to know something can! That doesn’t mean they don’t have nonsense of their own, oh no. Sure, many dogs are extremely intelligent, used by medical professionals to sniff out certain illnesses, law enforcement to sniff out drugs and take on crime, search and rescue to find missing people, or as caretakers for those who need extra assistance, but let’s face it, many of them are complete goofballs and we wouldn’t want them any other way.
Having a dog become a part of your family is something special. They have so much love to give and they love to give it. To celebrate our furry friends let’s take a look at some of the best memes that make us love them all the more!
The 10 best dog memes to celebrate National Dog Day!
I think we all have days where we feel like, “Yes I am an awesome person, but I am also tired. Can I stop being awesome and just be tired for a few moments please?” Well it looks like our canine friends feel just the same way.

Who really has a naturally great smile? I know I don’t! It can take quite some time to create the perfect “natural” smile and this cutie still has some work to do. Don’t worry though, we still think you’re gorgeous!

They caught him red-handed… and mouthed. Hey, everyone deserves the right to feel beautiful. Maybe this fluffy pup could have just asked permission before rifling through the make-up drawer.

This little pupper looks set to explode trying to contain all that rage. Put away all your pillows and hide your slippers, one day this dog will snap and you know that rage is going to be focused somewhere.

Ah, the golden rule: no dogs on the bed. Well that never lasts long, does it? I mean look at that face! Who could say no to that face?

Someone get this dog to a toy store, stat. This is an emergency people!

We don’t deserve dogs. This little lady simply wants to make her owner better and believes that her pink bunny will do just that.

This canine’s olfactory senses are above and beyond! We’d usually never forgive a snitch, but in this cutie’s case we’ll make an exception.

Now dogs can’t eat everything we can, so it’s good to check first (no raisins or chocolate people!).

Finally, here’s to the original and ultimate dog meme, the doge dog, otherwise known as Kabosu who passed away this year at the age of 18.

So give your dog that extra belly rub, feed them that extra treat and let’s celebrate them for the wonders that they are, from the biggest gentle giant the Great Danes to the smallest yappiest Chihuahua’s and all the mutts in between.
Just make sure your other fur baby doesn’t feel too left out.

Published: Aug 27, 2024 10:28 am