Tom Holland explaining his coffee drinking tube in the Spider-Man suit that goes in through the eye hole, next to a picture of it.

Things We Saw Today: Zendaya Worries About Tom Holland Being Stuck in the Spider-Man Suit

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Tom Holland and his Spider-Man suit issues are well documented for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Peter Parker. The suit is all one piece, which makes it hard for Holland to drink or use the restroom while he’s in it and also means that he can’t really do anything other than drink coffee through a hose that goes through the eye holes of the Spidey suit.

Now, in a new interview with Graham Norton, Zendaya has talked about how she is so worried about the suit and used the example of him throwing up to drive home her concern. Meanwhile, Tom Holland didn’t seem too worried about that but did want to know if Henry Cavill’s Superman suit had a “zip” … you know … so he could go to the bathroom.

The entire segment with Tom Holland and Zendaya was cute because he was embarrassed by their height difference when she was talking about how it made stunts hard, and she just clearly was worried about Holland’s wellbeing when he’s stuck in a suit all the time without any way to really eat or get out of it quickly.

It is an exciting kick-off to the Spider-Man: No Way Home press tour, and I can’t wait to see what is next.

(image: BBC)

Here are some other things we saw out there today:

  • So Annie Live was a thing that happened.  (via Yahoo!)
  • Scarlett Johansson talked about the legal battle she had with Disney.  (via Slashfilm)

Anything we missed, Mary Suevians? Let us know what you saw in the comments below!

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