Hela wears her crown and sneers in Thor: Ragnarok.

We May Have Gotten Our First Look at Hela in ‘What If…?’ Season 2

Where are my fellow Hela stans at? Asgard’s Goddess of Death, played by the amazing Cate Blanchett, is easily one of the best parts of Thor: Ragnarok. What does Hela want? She wants death, killing, conquest, and mayhem. When does she want it? All the damn time. Hela is such a fun, over the top character—portrayed by an actress who nails every role she takes on—that it was a shame when Marvel killed her off at the end of the movie. I could watch Hela forever.

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That’s why I was excited to see that Hela would be appearing in season 2 of What If…?, the animated series that explores different variants of Marvel characters in the multiverse. Granted, I wasn’t a huge fan of season 1, but it is fun to see your favorite characters come back for some weird multiversal fun.

We don’t have a lot of details about the Hela episode of What If…? yet, but thanks to Marvel’s animation panel at San Diego Comic Con 2022, we know that there’s an episode in which Odin fights Wenwu from Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, in a face-off between the mystical realms of Asgard and Ta Lo.

Now, a new Funko Soda toy has surfaced, revealing Hela’s look in What If…?.

On the soda can, Hela is wearing a suit of armor with a dragon scale design on the front, instead of her usual green bodysuit and antler-like crown. Many people on the internet think Hela’s armor resembles the armor worn in Shang-Chi, which could hint at her place in the Asgard vs. Ta Lo episode. Could she be teaming up with Wenwu, the semi-immortal head of the Ten Rings? Maybe.

What If…? season 2 still doesn’t have a release date, and there are rumors that it may get pushed back to 2024 (after all, Marvel is restructuring much of its Disney+ content). Whenever it does come out, they’d better do my girl right, is all I’m going to say. I need to see Hela being the biggest, baddest personality in any realm she enters.

(featured image: Marvel Entertainment)

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