In this ingenious animated sketch from Leigh Lehav, Jodie Whitaker’s 13th Doctor quickly learns what it’s like to be a woman.
Watch as the Doctor explores the unique challenges of her new female incarnation, from a greater sensitivity to cold in the TARDIS to the wonders of cranberry juice. (via Laughingsquid)
- Wilco has released a new song, “All Lives, You Say?” in response to the violence in Charlottesville. (via Flavorwire)
- Stan Lee shared a “Stan’s Soapbox” column he wrote condemning bigotry in the ’60s, since the column is unfortunately still relevant. (via THR)
- Marvel has tapped the screenwriter Geneva Robertson-Dworet to write the script for Captain Marvel. Her credits so far include the upcoming Alicia Vikander-starring Tomb Raider as well as Gotham City Sirens. (via Deadline)
- Trump’s unhinged press conference just happened, and I’m still shaking. I’ve never seen anything like that and hope to never see it again.
Impeach this bad man.
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) August 15, 2017
- Today in 1967, my beloved space grandpa Leonard Nimoy received his first Emmy nomination for playing Spock. (via THR)Â
So what’d you see today, my fair Porgis?
You guys, we made a PORGI because we were curious and you know what WE WERE WRONG. WE WERE SO WRONG.
— Calamity Brandon (@mediavandal) August 15, 2017
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Published: Aug 15, 2017 05:40 pm