Neil Gaiman Will Take on the Cybermen in His Next Doctor Who Episode

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

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A few days after Matt Smith‘s honorable attempt to say something, anything, about the upcoming Neil Gaiman-penned episode of Doctor Who without revealing any specific details (spoiler: he failed), Steven Moffat has stepped up and told us a few things we can expect from the episode. Number one on the list: The Cybermen will be back.

The episode will air next spring as part of the show’s eight episode post-Christmas special run. In addition to Smith and new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman, the Gaiman ep will star Warwick Davis (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Willow… why am I even noting his credits? You all know who Warwick Davis is), EastEndersTamzin Outhwaite, and Jason Watkins, who played the creepy-jolly vampire leader Herrick in Being Human (the UK version, naturally).

What do you think of the news? I wasn’t too impressed by the last appearance of the Cybermen in last season’s Closing Time (when they were defeated by the power of love, remember?), and I love Gaiman’s previous episode, The Doctor’s Wife, so I’m excited to see what his approach to the classic Who villain will be. And if I’d secretly hoped that he’d pen the return of the Master, oh well. I can still hope for that glorious comeback at some point down the line.

(via: Deadline)

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