Anyone venturing to Google from now until the end of Christmas day will notice a pretty-but-barely-legible rendition of the famous logo. Google Doodles have become a fun surprise over the years, though we generally aren’t made aware of their sometimes interesting history. This interactive doodle, however, comes with a fun history lesson that teaches us that the design took five artists, who started their work in July, over 250 hours to create.
The Doodle, which features seventeen individual interactive images that represent holiday celebrations from around the world, was supposed to be unveiled over a three day period, but due to the realization that the majority of people probably wouldn’t be planted in front of their computers on Christmas day to see the end result of the iterative rollout, a decision was made to launch the entirety of the holiday logo in one go so people wouldn’t miss out.
Try guessing what each individual picture represents, then click on each picture to see if you were right.
(The Wall Street Journal via
Published: Dec 23, 2010 02:31 pm