Amusing Fan Art Wallpaper for Your Mystic Soul

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When we went looking for an image for our post on the rumors of romance between The X-Files stars Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny yesterday, we found something we had to share: The fan art wallpaper site of Flickr user mysticsoul. This stuff is amazing, consisting of a number of Photoshop layers and after-effects that one could easily get lost in, never again able to turn their gaze. They are downright hypnotic, and we hope you enjoy them as much as we have, even if they do give us the sense that they are, at some point, staring back at us.

Maybe our favorite thing? While the bloodsucking usual suspects for near-psychedelic fan art — Buffy, Angel, True Blood, and Twilight — are represented in force here, the fan art wallpaper for the 1997 classic Face/Off is a totally new one on us, and it’s a must-see. We offer mysticsoul, whoever she is, mad props for thinking outside the box with that one.

(via mysticsoul on Flickr)

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