So, The Back Cover Ad on Batman This Month Is a “Fake Geek Girl” Joke

Today in things that make us scream incoherently
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

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You might be forgiven for not noticing any ads in Scott Snyder’s Batman #13, since the story is riveting, horrifying, and kicks off the first major appearance of the Joker in the New 52. In fact, until David Willis of Shortpacked pointed it out on his tumblr, I didn’t even notice that the back cover ad on this issue was different from the back cover ad of the three other DC comics books I picked up this week. Which is unusual, since the way ads in comics usually work is that they are the same across all of a publisher’s titles in a given month, right down to page placement. So what’s the ad hiding behind that die cut cover of the Joker’s horrifying new face?

It’s a Fake Geek Girl joke, playing on the most pernicious, alienating, and sexist stereotype of women in nerd spaces. And if you can’t take my word for it, maybe you’ll take president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America John Scalzi‘s, which was written more recently but at a pretty much identical cresting of the “Fake Geek Girl” idea in nerd culture as when I wrote my piece.

I’m not here to engage in a discussion about whether or not this attitude exists (it does), and whether or not it makes women feel alienated from nerd culture (it does). I just can’t decide which is more depressing to imagine: someone in marketing at College Humor (whose work I generally enjoy) pitching this specific example from their series of real life comic book “villains” to DC for an ad… or someone on DC’s marketing team saying “These ‘villains’ you came up with are all super funny, but you know… Some of our readers might feel targeted by the “guy who gets angry on forums” joke or the implications that they’re not good at personal interaction. And we probably shouldn’t use the one about executives… seeing as how we’re employed by them. So we’ll use the one that’s a girl. Girls don’t read comics anyway”

It’s also worth pointing out: I bought one other comic this week that also included this die-cut cover. It’s also being billed as one of the first installments of Death of the Family, DC’s latest big Batman event, the first major appearance of the Joker in the New 52. It was Batgirl #13. It didn’t have this ad.

If you’re looking for catharsis, David Willis, the cartoonist who brought this to my attention in the first place, has, as always, your catharsis right here.

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Image of Susana Polo
Susana Polo
Susana Polo thought she'd get her Creative Writing degree from Oberlin, work a crap job, and fake it until she made it into comics. Instead she stumbled into a great job: founding and running this very website (she's Editor at Large now, very fancy). She's spoken at events like Geek Girl Con, New York Comic Con, and Comic Book City Con, wants to get a Batwoman tattoo and write a graphic novel, and one of her canine teeth is in backwards.

86 responses to “So, The Back Cover Ad on Batman This Month Is a “Fake Geek Girl” Joke”

  1. Kathryn says:

    I’ve always found “Fake Geek Girl” to be more a critique along the lines of those who wear Run DMC t-shirts and, when asked what their favourite song is, turn around and say they don’t listen to rap or if someone wears a Superman t-shirt and, when asked their favourite story, say something like “comix r well gay lol” (it happens). Scalzi is completely right in that anyone can be a geek if they want to be. Completely right, but I think there are those who are protective of their geek status – after all, it’s something many of us have been bullied about at school and so on.

    Obviously it can be used in sexist ways, but I don’t think it necessarily is a sexist construct – it’s a critique on social behaviours, on ignorance and so on.

    But, y’know, I’m usually wrong about things like this.

  2. Adam R. Charpentier says:

    I don’t think you’re wrong.

  3. Captain ZADL says:

    Every time I think humanity is progressing, something happens to reverse my opinion. I think I’ll throw humanity into space now.

  4. Wil Sisney says:

    This garbage has to stop! I recently wrote about this stupid meme and what it is doing to nerd culture:

  5. The problem is that some geeks are so quick to label others as fakes. The statement “I like anime” opens you up to “Oh, have you seen X, Y, or Z (obscure/classic/asker’s favorite anime)? No? FAKE!” The reality is probably that a person can like anime and not have watched every single series out there.

    The obnoxious thing about this ad is that it turns “fakes” into villians. Really? How are fakes taking down geek culture? I doubt they’re discouraging other people from becoming geeks. The shouty forum trolls? Probably are.

  6. Laser Liz says:

    This makes me frown ._.

  7. Josh Brown says:

    You girls need to stop getting upset at this ad and the memes, and start getting upset at the real culprit: the actual fake geek girls! Some chick who is desperate for attention dresses up in a slutty Chewbacca costume but does not even know that Chewie is from Kashyyyk? Face it, ladies (I am speaking to the true geek girls here), this is not good for you. How many conventions have you been to where guys are tripping over themselves to take a phone pic of some scantily-clad Slave Leia? Stop and ask yourself if you think the costumer in question actually reads comics, or why maybe she chose to dress in that particular costume. How about that chick that always dresses as Red Sonja at DragonCon? You think she reads Red Sonja? You think she ever saw the Brigitte Nielsen movie?? Doubt it.

  8. Or we could embrace her first tentative steps into geekdom and not turn into those exclusionary assholes who wouldn’t let geeks be popular in school? You know what, I have never regretted being kind to someone. Let’s all just make this a better world and start by treating each other better, OK friend? Let’s provegeekdom embraces passion and positivity by acting with passion and positivity, k? Love you, mwah.

  9. Renee Ismail says:

    Ok but my question is where is the line? What is the ‘official’ criteria of what makes you a geek and what doesn’t. Exactly – there isn’t criteria because its subjective. If I say I’ve seen Star Wars and like it maybe one opinionated jerk thinks I’m a fake and another doesn’t. Maybe if I say I can whup you at Star Wars Trivial Pursuit but I get the question about Chewie’s home planet wrong, then that still isn’t good enough. If a guy is wearing a Star Wars Tshirt his “geekhood” isn’t questioned. If a girl does, well. There are posers in EVERY group. There always have been and always will be. So no I’m not getting mad at anyone because the standards are BS.

  10. Sara Sakana says:

    No, actually, I’m pretty sure the real culprits are MRA dudebros like you who think you get to decide which women are and are not real geeks.

    Sit. Down.

  11. I don’t think you’re wrong either, but if that was really the case, it would be “Fake Geek Person” instead of “Girl”.

  12. Sara Sakana says:

    If it isn’t a sexist construct, why are “Fake geek GIRLS” being singled out? Where’s the Fake Geek Guy meme?

  13. Anyone and everyone can go to a con. Some people go to keep their friends company and check something out. Some are parents who are going to escort their kid, who is really into it. Usually the only cosplayers I met who don’t love and know about the character they are cosplaying are people who are being paid by a company to sell a product. And while I don’t geek it up with those people, I’m never rude to them either. I have noticed more and more women at cons, but it’s because we’re inviting each other to the cons and then we invite even more of our gal pals.

  14. Manda says:

    Your post sounds to me as if you think that geek girls should only wear frumpy and ugly costumes and not celebrate their bodies. To turn it around a bit, would you find guys who dress as Conan the Barbarian or choose another costume that they think makes them look sexy and desirable are not real geeks? A lot of the women I’ve met at cons who are dressed as slave Leia or Red Sonja are familiar with the source works. I hate to tell you but girls, especially girls who attend in costume, attend cons for the same reason guys do: to be among other geeks and see all the wonderful geeky stuff.

  15. Cranky Aunty says:

    But what is wrong, really, with the girl who dresses in a costume but doesn’t care about the fandom it comes from? If a person’s entire enjoyment of pop culture is the costumes (even skimpy versions of the costumes), or if their whole experience of anime is one show, or even just a vague and superficial enjoyment of vaguely geeky things, how exactly does that ‘hurt’ the geeks?

    This idea of ‘authentic’ fans and ‘fake’ fans is just exclusionary bollocks. They are not ‘doing it wrong’ even if you don’t like it. People are free to participate at whatever level they like, including superficially, and of that means some girls gum up the works in cute TARDIS dresses but haven’t seen a single episode, then good! ( those dresses are adorbs and I want one).

  16. Anonymous says:

    Wearing a sports jacket doesn’t make you a sports expert overnight either. I had a Junior Seau jersey and honestly don’t know how many takles he did, but he was awesome. You wear a Superman t-shirt because you like it, it doesn’t come with instant knowledge.

  17. Beryl Fulmer says:

    You have no idea what a relief this article is to me. When I saw the back cover of my copy of Batman #13 I felt bewildered and hurt. This is one of DC’s premiere titles and the first issue of the highly anticipated Death of the Family Bat-crossover event, and this is what DC thinks of me? Is this how I appear to other people within the fandom–grating and attention-seeking? I had to check all the other DC titles I’ve bought this month to see if DC has secretly been laughing at me. All of the others had an advertisement for the animated Dark Knight Returns, so is it just Batman that’s not for girls? Batgirl I can understand as conceivably having a larger proportion of female readers, but Swamp Thing and Animal Man don’t seem particularly girly. Was it just me? Was I getting upset over nothing?

    At least now I can know I’m not alone in feeling humiliated, even if I’m stuck on the bitter and resigned kind of angry instead true rage (improvement?). So thanks for the anger-based camaraderie.

  18. Kathryn says:

    That’s a fair point, but I think it stems from the image being used as that of a girl. My point, however, was that this attitude is perpetuated by both sexes. A “Fake Geek Guy” meme would work equally as well, but the nature of memes is they rarely seem to come in pairs – only one I can think of are the Foul Frogs and that’s because they’re gendered memes.

  19. Anonymous says:

    The problem is that some of those people who were bullied for their geek status grew into a world where geek status is pretty much mainstream and popular and said ‘well now it’s MY turn to be the bully!’

    It is somewhat frustrating. Fake geeks don’t harm anyone, but the people that target fake geeks often have faulty aim and cause things to be very ‘not nice’ for the rest of us.

  20. Kathryn says:

    It *should* be that, but due to the nature of memes it isn’t. I still stand by my point that it’s not necessarily a sexist meme *but* it can be used in a sexist manner – and sadly often seems to be.

  21. Kathryn says:

    I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a reply to me, but I’ll try to reply.

    The example you used is, truthfully, a minority. The people paid to dress up to advertise are vastly outnumbered by con attendees – would actually think those involved in advertising would be labelled as “staff” or just come under the company they’re advertising for.

    But my point, and what I believe to be the point of the meme, is more about people who in real life and on social media say things like “omg just watched a star was film im such a geek lol” or who wear t-shirts with a Bat logo on but have absolutely no interest in the franchise beyond the blockbuster films. Of course, people are free to express themselves like that, but this meme is more about like when those same people are completely ignorant and even offensive when confronted. As I said in my first comment, there are those who wear these “stylish” t-shirts and have no idea what they mean or anything, and can be confrontational when questioned.

    After all, many of us (particularly geeks!) wear t-shirts with logos, brands, franchises and so-on displayed on them to express our love of things (I <3 my B.P.R.D. hoodie), and it's a natural way to start a conversation, no? If you're at a music club and someone's wearing a t-shirt with your favourite band on, would you not assume they like that band?

    I think the issue is less "omg not real geeks" and more what that ignorance represents – both a cheapening of franchises but also just how it sends out these wrong signals.

    Just my opinion, anyway.

  22. Matt Graham says:

    That’s the frequency I tune to, Kathryn. Well stated.

  23. daria says:

    Dear me, the Internet has turned into high school. Social labels have always been moronic. Geek, goth, nerd, jock, fake geek, fake goth, fake nerd, fake goth – whatever. People need to stop self-identifying with labels then they would care as little as I do. Geeks: The New Popular – next on Sick Sad World. For once, I would like to see articles praising when comics do something right before I completely lose the Internet as a treasured refuge. Scouring the back page of a comic to get upset is hardly worth attention. It’s like there’s a need to be offended. Oh wait…

  24. Maybe my experience has just been totally different. I’ve never ever met someone fake-geeking at a con or any place else. If people wear geek clothing they’re into it, or admit they’re just starting to get into it. The only exception to that has been Halloween costumes, when someone says their girl/boyfriend is more into whatever it is,and that they’re just doing it to make their partner happy, but even then, they admit they’re not into it. I have had a few guys hitting one me, who seem to be exaggerating their geek cred to get to me, but if they weren’t exaggerating that, then they would just be exaggerating something else, so I don’t pay them much mind (and I’m certainly not going to bother making a meme about them). However, I see the fake geek girl meme growing more and more, and I’ve never seen a fake geek guy meme. Maybe Seattle is way different, the geek populace here is huge and usually we treat each other well and love introducing each other to new geeky goodness. And most of the non-geeks like how we geeks do our thing and are good-natured to us. The few remaining non-geek snobs are pretty easy to avoid, because we geeks in Seattle have so many of our own social events.

  25. I don’t see anywhere that it says ‘Fake Geek GIRL’ on that ad…all I see is ‘Imposter’

  26. I think it’s worthwhile to note the context on —
    On the one hand, it’s clearly mean spirited, though more of the cruelty is aimed at males than females. On the other hand, I’ve met people who fit every single one of the first five descriptions. Perhaps much could be improved just by making one of these other “types” a female — I’m thinking maybe the Alpha Nerd, because that’s totally me. But it’s obviously meant as humor, and as such it’s reflective of a certain point of view.

    It’s the choice of this particular “villain” that raises the most questions. There are so many to choose from! I AM a comic book consumer, damn it! Do you just have no interest in my money? Are you seriously that myopic?

    And it’s true — geeks love to say “you are!” and “you aren’t!”. Anime doesn’t count, indie comics don’t count, whatever. It’s because we’re prone to put our own individuality on a pedestal, I think. And perhaps also because being “part of a group” rubs some of us the wrong way. But if people want to use these words to describe themselves — words that were once used by bullies? Who cares what “criteria” they use?

  27. Mars says:

    Except “Fake Geek Girl” has been a recurrent meme that has been getting a lot of attention lately. The “girl” aspect is not incidental, it’s critical to the image the meme conveys: women invading a “man’s” space to get attention.

    And this is overall. For this ONE joke, you could make an argument that the gender of the cartoon character is incidental. But it’s part of a larger trend.

    COULD there be a “fake geek guy” meme? Sure there could. And the arguments about gate-keeping would stand, but the Fake Geek Girl meme is sexist on top of issues of entrance and acceptance. It assumes that geek girls are fake until proven real. That assumption is rarely (if ever) applied to geek guys. A guy may PROVE himself to be fake when he opens his mouth and shows he knows nothing about his proposed fandom, but a girl must PROVE herself to be real. That’s a problem.

  28. And who, exactly, appointed you Gatekeeper of All That Is Geek?

  29. And the picture and concept completely tap into the “Fake Geek GIRL” meme that’s been running rampant for a while now. The jokes don’t exactly get created in a vaccum.

  30. “Scouring” is hardly necessary when you just turn the thing over and the insult is there to see in full color.

  31. I don’t know. Did you ever ASK her if she reads Red Sonja?

    Listen, dudebro. Being a geek is means being EXCITED about something. There are so many different ways to be a geek. That girl in the Princess Leia costume? Who’s to say she’s not crazy-excited to be wearing it? How do you know? I’m sorry that she committed the horrible crime of also being sexy while doing something nerdy, but hey, some people are both!

    How do you know when someone’s “fake?” I mean, I loved Transformers: Animated, I wear my little Decepticon pin all the time. Never really got into the other franchises. Am I a fake Transformers fan? Is that girl in the “slutty” (nice choice of words there) Chewbacca costume a fake geek? Or does she just maybe really like the Star Wars movies and had a fun idea for the costume, but never really bothered with the EU?

    Why should someone have to meet your standards of how to be a geek to deserve a little respect? E-freaking-SPECIALLY at a convention, a weekend haven of peer acceptance and mutual squeeing.

  32. The Power Lad guy in the Justice League cosplay is such a faker–he just wants attention, with his washboard abs and his low-cut shorts…


    (obligatory “bunk” line.)

  33. Seriously, this. How many dudes walk around in a Superman or Batman shirt they bought at Target? You think the average guy wearing that has An Opinion on Damien as Robin and the new 52? Or is he just a guy who thinks Batman is pretty cool?

    Why is that “acceptable” but for ladies, it’s “attention-grabbing.”

    Oh, right, because those are “guy things.”

  34. Anonymous says:

    I think the “Fake geek guy” stigma exist, but I’m not sure if exist as a meme. It’s not knowledge defined, but social skills defined.

    As: “He had a girlfriend, so he’s not a true geek”, “he dresses as a rocker, he’s not a true geek”, “he had friends outside the hobby-related friends, so…”, etc. And you need to prove yourself against others without reason. Basically, if your life doesn’t revolve around your hobby, you’re not a true geek.

  35. Jamie Jeans says:

    Go to hell, DC Comics… and especially whoever came up with that shitty joke ad. God damned assholes.

  36. Oh, gawd. This Guy. Hello again. Or possibly hello for the first time. If you are NOT the little boy in middle school who overheard me telling a friend that I was a Star Wars fan and proceeded to jump down my throat shrieking “YOU ARE NOT”, demanded to know what kind of engine and propulsion system the Millennium Falcon used, and marched off in smug glee when I stared at him in bewilderment; well, it was an honest mistake. If you are not him, then you resemble him exceedingly, right down to still being twelve.

    As it happens, I also did not know Chewbacca was from Kashyyyk off the top of my head. Does that erase the time I spent watching the movies as a little kid? Do I have to give back the Marvel Star Wars comics that my dad and I spent about ten years filling collecting together, filling in gaps by scrounging in comic book shops and used book stores and convention displays together, giving each other missing issues as birthday presents? Has the concealed carry permit for my light up lightsaber keychain been revoked? No, I do not obsessively memorize facts and trivia from the canonical extended universe. Does the fact that I enjoy the franchise differently from you mean that I DON’T enjoy it, that it doesn’t matter to me?

    Somebody who just dresses as a character because they think it looks cool, without having any deeper knowledge of the character? You know what? THAT. IS. FINE. They are still enjoying the character, albeit as a concept or as a cool design. They are ALLOWED to think Red Sonya looks cool and to enjoy the fact that they can rock the battle bikini without going any deeper into the mythos. That doesn’t hurt me.

    What DOES hurt me? What is “not good” for ME? Has been assholes like you constantly quizzing me and belittling me and demanding to see my nerd credentials every damn time I turn around. Most of my damn life, since I was TWELVE, you, YOU, sir, not Slave Leia, not Sexy Chewbacca cosplayer, YOU, and little boys like you, have been marching up to me and informing me that I wasn’t fan enough, issuing pop quizzes and smirking if I failed or goggling in astonishment if I passed.


    You say you are speaking to the “true geek girls” here. You know what? STOP speaking to me. I do not need you telling me that the Marvel Star Wars Comics are not official canon, or insisting that if I really loved this/that/the other thing, I would know this/that and have read/watched more of this/that. I DO NOT NEED YOUR PERMISSION TO BE A TRUE GEEK GIRL. And neither does goddamn Sexy Chewbacca. I’ll take a thousand of her over even ONE more of you.

    You know what? I have as much right to be a gatekeeper as you, which is to say, none at all, so why not? You, sir, are a fake geek boy. I’m calling it now. You don’t REALLY love Star Wars and Red Sonja. You just memorize a bunch of trivia so you can SHOW OFF and try to get ATTENTION. Gasp!

    Poser. PHONEY. You are out of the clubhouse. By the authority vested in me by absolutely no one, I hereby revoke your geek card. You’re out, Sexy Chewie is in. Buh bye. We will not miss you.

  37. daria says:

    Yes, turn the thing over as in put effort to look at it because it’s not shoved in your face. It’s insulting posers. Are you a poser who’s insulted? Do posers not exist and is it an honorable thing to be one? Secondly, it’s an ad by College Humor. College. Humor. Two words that announce it’s nothing to be serious about unless of course you’re easily insulted or taught to feel that way.

  38. As what I’m assuming you’d accept as a “true geek girl” and therefore apparently worthy of being spoken to: how is this not good for me, again?

    I get pretty women in cool costumes to look at, plus the chance to have an “oh gosh I love that character, let’s be friends so I can introduce you to how fun her source material is” conversation. I am supposed to be seeing a downside? Because I’m really not seeing a downside to this.

  39. daria says:

    Let’s just do away with the term “Geek” altogether since it has become so meaninglessly broad. God forbid people learn to describe themselves with specificity.

  40. Mieko Gavia says:

    Ugh. There was a guy on OkCupid who was so surprised that I actually liked manga/anime, even though I had said so on my profile. He was like “wow! You like more things than Sailor moon!” And in his profile he wonders why no one messages him back…

  41. Mieko Gavia says:

    “For once, I would like to see articles praising when comics do something right” You’re not from around here, are you? Stick around, you might see one. Or two. Or twenty.

  42. Anonymous says:

    You lost me at “You girls need to stop”. Way to start out with generalized condescension.

  43. Anonymous says:

    It really is quite depressing when the default setting for a girl saying she’s into nerd culture, or even just a particular thing in nerd culture is “she’s probably just saying that for attention/to fit in, let’s quiz her to make sure”. When I was in grade school I used to worry a lot about being called out like this, so I was either very sure I knew my subject well enough before I talked about it or I would remain silent even when I really wanted to talk about it.

    I’m not sure if the creators’ intent had a sexist component to it. I do know that when I see it, it’s like a little blow to the self esteem.

  44. Never before have I read anything that so deserved the Orson Welles slow clap gif.

    Thank you, madam.

  45. (For what it’s worth, and because sarcasm doesn’t always come through the series of tubes, I think that Power Lad and the whole Gender-Bent Justice League are just absolutely amazing.)

  46. I feel like copying this and spewing it all over the internet. Absolutely beautiful.

  47. Keep in mind of where the “Geek girl meme” is coming from. Was the creator really a geek or were they looking from outside the geek culture wondering how they’d fair trying to fit in? The meme is just a reverse of every awkward situation where a geek tried to fit in with the “cool kids” as depicted in the media.

    I think the main problem people have with this meme is that it can cast a shadow of doubt on their geek status. Growing up our cliche didn’t have the most self-esteem. We found our place though and proudly proclaimed our geekiness. Now geeks are “cool”. But we weren’t cool…were we? You know what? We were. We are. “What if I’m not geek enough to belong anymore?” I know it’s hard but don’t let those thoughts bother you. Just because that guy or girl doesn’t think your geek enough for thinking Zelda was the guy doesn’t mean you aren’t a geek. Guess what? Not every geek played Zelda. I didn’t, I haven’t. It’s not my type of game. I loved Starfox though and Excitebike and many many other titles through many consoles.

    Even though many of us geeks were bullied and picked on there are still those of us that become bullies. Geek bullies or in other words, trolls. If you aren’t their geek then you aren’t a geek and they will bully you. You have two responses, ignore their existence and love what you love or turn it back on them. So you’re not a comic book geek but you love the Avengers? This bully thinks you need to know the origin of Squirrel-girl in order to appreciate the Marvel universe? Does the troll know the Koonami code? How about the name of that obscure Bleach character you love so much? Maybe they don’t know the name of everyone’s favorite Lolcat, Maru? Maybe they aren’t geek enough.

    We’re geeks. We come in all shapes, sizes, flavors, and genres. Love what you love and don’t let anyone take it away.

  48. TaylorNicole says:

    No, well I actually agree with you though it’s not a sexist thing some some girls are making it that way. Like this woman below that is jumping on everyone because she can’t pass quizzes on the very thing she claims to like. Yeah you can wear whatever you want and commit to memory whatever you see fit but the fact remains that there is a higher class of fans than you and you just have to recognize and accept that. Say “yea I’m not a real true die hard fan of star wars but I enjoy it” And maybe they would respect you more. At the same time it’s really sad when uber fans have committed so much to their fandom that they think it’s do or die. I “Either you love it so much you wear star wars underwear and are as big a fan as me or you don’t really like it at all.” It’s THOSE people that are responsible for this because in reality there’s probably a whopping 2% of girls who just find the sluttiest outfit they can to just hang out with nerds all day knowing nothing about their character for the sake of being a slut.. The bottom line here is people, that there are varying degrees of being A fan and we all need to respect that. Instead of pushing eachother away we need to encourage each other to move up higher in the fandom. If some one says they like anime but only have watched sailor moon don’t shoot them down. Say hey well maybe you’ll really like this show too or have you watched this? I maybe  they will take your advice and become the the fan you see as “worthy of liking Manga” or what ever. Lol its just so much hate for no reason. I Have watched every superbowl since I was 10. And not just the commercial either. I watch foot ball every. Single. Sunday. Monday night football is just an undeniable part of my life. Yeah it’s fun to watch I guess, but I used to be a cheerleader, and I watch it with my dad. And I can throw a football better than some guys. But I do not pretend to be some Sporty chic-wonder who’s completely into football. If you showed me a set up on the field I have no idea where the wide receiver goes. I don’t know if Ocho Cinco is offence or defence. Is he even still on the team? I can’t name any ONE PERSON who plays for 99% of the teams. Ask me who is the running back for the Texas. I’ll shrug and say “Evan Longoria” with complete confidence. My biggest accomplishment is knowing which teams play for which city. I know, I its hard for people to understand why I even watch football. But I do! I love going to a stadium, I love supporting teams (needless to say, I’m a very impressionable person) But I don’t go on Facebook and start arguments that I can’t support. (I’ll RT somethings though because I do get what 1st and 3rd means. A touchdown . Over time. What’s a bad ca I UNDERSTAND the game lol) I don’t make any football status because I’m not a true fan of the game in its entirety and I accept that I guess. But that doesn’t mean I can’t get excited on game day. And sometimes I like to look cute in a Jersey. So…. I mean is that really such a bad thing? 

  49. Mieko Gavia says:

    If someone spent a bunch of time and/or money on a Slave Leia Cosplay, and THEN spent a bunch of time and/or money trekking it to a Con? I’m pretty sure they’re doing it for more than just the attention of a few geeky guys. Jus’ sayin.

  50. Joanna says:

    Ugh! I hate the pedestalizing and worship I get for being nerdy in some form or other. It’s an instant turn off.

  51. Starman says:

    Thank you. I noticed this when I got my comics on Wednesday but had no time to grouse about it on my blog between the Arrow premiere, two plays, a cosplay fundraiser and – oh yes – my actual day job.

    I’m a bit behind the curve, but I still felt the need to make this image.

  52. Rogue Simulant says:

    What’s wrong with digging Run DMC?

  53. ” Yeah you can wear whatever you want and commit to memory whatever you
    see fit but the fact remains that there is a higher class of fans than
    you and you just have to recognize and accept that.”

    No. There’s not.

    That’s the point. And considering the repeated use of the word “slut” in your own comment, let’s not pretend that this isn’t an issue that can very easily be about sexism. No one looks sideways at a guy in a Batman shirt or in an elaborate (and hey, sometimes even sexy) cosplay and wonders if he’s a “real fan.” But a woman in the same scenario DOES get those comments. If she’s dressed sexy, she can’t be real.

    Here’s the thing you just have to recognize and accept: There is NO geek hierarchy. There is no such thing as a “higher class of geek.” All there is–ALL THERE IS–is thousands of different ways to be a geek.

    Higher class. What the crap.

  54. Kathryn says:

    Nothing, and I never said there was anything wrong with it.

    What I said was that there are people who would – for example – wear a Run DMC t-shirt and when asked if they like rap (after all, would you not assume someone with a Run DMC t-shirt would like rap?) they turn around and say it’s rubbish or some other comment along those lines.

  55. If we’re going by stereotype, most alpha males are dudes. Ironically, the ones most likely to make comics calling entry-level geeks “imposters.”

  56. Brian says:

    Okay, so we’ve redefined ‘scouring’ to what we used to call ‘glancing at’, good to know. You’re right, though, Daria. Don’t know why these guys can’t just read their comics by looking at the front covers and never opening or moving them, like a normal person.

  57. Brian says:

    You know you can watch the Star Wars films, enjoy them, watch the various animated series, read several of the books, and still never hear the word “Kashyyyk”, much less see its ridiculous spelling?

  58. Brian says:

    “I don’t know. Did you ever ASK her if she reads Red Sonja?”

    Don’t be silly. That would require engaging with her as a human.

  59. Brian says:

    “Like this woman below that is jumping on everyone because she can’t pass quizzes on the very thing she claims to like”

    This just in: Passing quizzes now required in order to like something.

    I’d refute you some more, but that’s as far as I could get before my eyes started swimming. Paragraphs are cool.

  60. Eric Reiter says:

    It;s not that they’re invading a man’s space to get attention. It’s that there are women coming to geek culture just to get attention.

    If you consider Adrianne Curry to be a “geek girl” and you think geek men shunning her is bad for women, the I think we are so far apart on what sexism actually is there is not point in having a discussing.

  61. Eric Reiter says:

    If anyone thinks this about geek males shunning women for invading our culture then you know about as much about geek culture as the airheads, like Adrianne Curry, who are being told to go away.

    I know and interact with several geek females, and i LOVE gaming with women (table top games) and if you go watch ANY geek things you see loads of women that we LOVE and RESPECT!

    We just want the ones who are faking it to fuck off. It’s insulting to us for them to claim to be geeks just because they think we’re easy to get attention from. I have spent years being told the way I enjoy my hobby was badwrongfun. Fortunately most people who told me that had no idea that we geeks actually do get laid because being a geek crosses gender barriers. So when i see the people who told me I was a bad person, now imitating me in a mockery of what I love I get offended.

    Then when asshats tell me that saying is sexist, I get downright pissed off. The idea that we, as a geek community, have no right to say “STOP BELITTLING US!” because some ignorant fools think we’re all men is just the biggest load of steaming shit I have ever heard.

    People like Adrianne Curry are not feminist champions breaking barriers…what a fucking joke. We have had women here the whole time. People like her, and Olivia Munn and others are only imitating the actual cosplay geek girls that came before them.

    What a joke.

  62. Eric Reiter says:

    I thought that enjoying the company of female geeks but despising the attention seeking dipshits like Adrianne Curry meant that I liked “real” people.

    Nope, I guess it makes me sexist. Who knew?

  63. Anonymous says:

    “The idea that we, as a geek community, have no right to say “STOP BELITTLING US!””

    Just replace “geek community” with, I dunno … “women,” and you get the side you’re arguing against for some reason.

  64. Sophie says:

    And now what they’re doing is using their higher social status as men to bully women because that power structure makes it easy. I think this sort of bullied becoming the bully thing is a big part of the reason why there’s such a problem with prejudice in the geek culture.

  65. Pink Apocalypse says:

    And *that* is how you hand somebody’s ass to them.

  66. Pink Apocalypse says:

    Given the way it’s used, I’m not convinced that you even know what the word ‘slut’ actually means, let alone have some sort of moral authority to label others.

  67. Life Lessons says:

    This is such sexist crap that I can barely stand it. *RASPBERRY* I wasn’t impressed with the catharsis either.

  68. Louisa Lu says:

    The artist actually did more than just that one. There’s a “bro” nerd one, basically a jock that plays sports games on Xbox.

    There’s six, the first listed one being the “bro” guy

  69. bananas says:

    okay, the fact that “the imposter” is wearing a Star Wars shirt just reminds me of that tumblr post where someone thought a photo of Natalie Portman wearing a Stop Wars t-shirt was a picture of a hipster girl pretending to be a Star Wars fan

  70. Katie Marinelli says:

    Just cause it’s done by College Humor doesn’t make it funny. There’s a reason rape and baby killing aren’t used in jokes (at least not by people with class). They’re not funny, they’ll never be funny. So why do we as people allow women to be jokes? It hurts women to let people make jokes about who and what we are. Cause when it comes time to discuss something actually important, why should anyone care? Women are just jokes.

    Also before you say anything about their being jokes about men, yes there are but mostly those joke about certain subgroups. I.E. ‘Bears fans’ and ‘Surfer dudes’. Women on the other hand just get ‘Women drivers’ and ‘girlfriends’ which actually just mean women. The only common subgroup that I see for women is ‘lesbians’ and often that is in a negative connotation as if they aren’t really women.

  71. I’d like to see fewer men deciding which women do and don’t get to be geeks, personally. No matter how rationalized their arguments.

  72. But it’s too hard to scold people for being positive!

  73. This is why I don’t refer myself as a nerd when speaking among other nerds. For some reasons I always get this “Oh your shirt is a picture of Marvel girls, what do you read?”
    The thing is, I’ve only ever read Elektra & a couple of odd comic books. I did however grew up watching the shows and that is where I stay, a fan of shows. Nothing more. Then they give me a face. A very annoyed face.

    Its the same for Batman Arkham Asylum/City. I say I enjoyed playing those games but they still ask if I read comics.

  74. oakXXIII says:

    i think this has something to do with scantily clad women with porn star bodies wearing glasses under the headline “hot nerd”. this is not the nerds or pseudo-nerds fault…i blame us guys

  75. Oh, do real nerd girls exist? It’s so good that we have someone to judge who is worthy of being a nerd girl and who is hiding in plain sight.

    I am obsessed with the DCAU and DC Nation but I haven’t read a lot of the comics… am I a fake nerd girl? I love Joss Whedon’s work but I didn’t get into Firefly until it was cancelled and I never really watched Buffy… am I a fake nerd girl? I absolutely suck at first person shooters but I can mop the floor with my boyfriend at DS Tetris… does THAT make me a fake nerd girl?

    Would you come up to me and tell me I don’t belong to be at a con because I don’t meet YOUR standards? Shut the hell up already.

  76. Anyone else kind of reminded of the “hardcore gamers” thing in the mid-2000s? I just remember certain friends of mine talking about “hardcore gaming” which basically meant first person shooters, making anyone who didn’t play first person shooters “casual players.”. It really all comes down to elitism … “Oh, you think you like that? Well I liked it BEFORE everyone else liked it.” The misogyny is just another layer they know they can get away with while they hide behind their entitlement as “real nerds.”

  77. CW says:

    It annoyed me when I saw it once last week, but this was the inside back cover of EVERY DC BOOK I bought this week. Makes me want to spend more of my money on Marvel (and even more on comics from outside the big 2).

  78. Anonymous says:

    So, anybody asked Dan DiDio what this is doing in his comic books?

  79. Kazombie says:

    I enjoy comics, anime/manga, gaming and reading. Recently I got called bro on an MMO I play, I corrected them, and started to get hit on, winky faces and being asked all sorts of personal questions. Hey man, I was just letting you know I’m not a guy, that doesn’t mean you can hit on me. I also get grilled about the comics I read and the anime I watch, to the point where I get fed up of talking to the person and just /end convo. In the same MMO I made a friend, who I was getting on really well with, then he asked for my FB so I gave it to him, my profile picture was me and my BF, as soon as he saw it he said “I hate such pictures, they always annoy me” and I’ve not heard from him since. Silly me to think he actually liked me for my personality. Why is it always so difficult to just enjoy something without being looked down on because of your gender?

  80. Kazombie says:

    As I read more and more my smile grew larger and larger.

  81. Kelly Martin says:

    Through the ether of the internet, you have reached out and planted joy and reassurance into my very being. Hats off to you madam.

  82. Rose says:

    I agree that based on the ad, the gal is not a nerd because she seems to be saying, she wasted a bunch of time on FB looking at memes, and she self-depricates calling herself a “nerd” to excuse the behavior. So my takeaway is that because she’s using “nerd” as a put-down label & excuse, she’s not really a nerd, and this zinger doesn’t rely on her being female, so it doesn’t feel sexist to me.

    That said, it stings a bit because there have got to be levels of nerd-dom, and like many commentors have said before me, there’s a whole “prove it!” part of being a nerd, likely because we’ve been teased/bullied etc for liking the shows we like, so there’s a trust issue when someone actually says they like the same show. So for example, I looooooove Star Trek TNG. Love it. Does this make me a nerd? How much do I have to learn or memorize about it before I become a nerd? (I feel like I’m there, regardless of criteria). I told a friend I liked the show, and she said, “My mom knows the name of each episode, and she can identify the episode within a minute of the episode starting.” Are we both nerds? Is she nerdier than me? Like someone else said, I like some anime, but I’ve only scratched the surface. I’ve read the original Spiderman comics thanks to a friend, but that’s as far as I got.

    I think that all that matters is that I feel like I “fit in” with the nerd crowd, no matter how varied and preternaturally smart some pockets of geek culture are.

    I think we’re adult enough to be able to accept other nerds with whatever knowledge they have about whatever topics they love to geek out about.

  83. Mary Nelson says:

    When I was growing up, we were eggheads, then we were nerds, now we’re geeks. I’ll be 50 years old next week, saw Star Wars in the theatre more times than I can remember, and fondly recall the days when I could call Dark Horse Comics and talk to Tim for my comic orders. The first MMORPG’s I played were MUDs on Telnet and when Jedi Knight, Dark Forces 2 came out, with the first lightsabers and Jedi seen since Episode VI, my heart sang. The first electronic music we had was Kraftwerk, (who still record and are up to be voted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, by the way.) I watched Dragon Ball and DBZ as soon as they were available in the States, Shonen Jump and any other manga that was available, and could go on and on. I’ve raised my children to be as nerdy as I am, and hopefully my grandchildren will be the same. Hmmm…what does that make me?