Last night, the five minutes of Thor footage that Marvel teased at Comic-Con leaked online. Marvel has been aggressive in its efforts to get the leak taken down, with many of the videos uploaded to third-party players last night broken and displaying copyright claim messages and with YouTube uploads of the footage disappearing as quickly as Whack-a-Moles. All of which is a little surprising — not just because this is the Internet, but because this footage will wipe away the doubts of many fans and make them genuinely excited about the film, which is scheduled for release on May 6, 2011.s
Nevertheless, io9 of the daring Gawker Media empire (you know, the people who own Gizmodo) is hosting the footage and by all appearances refusing to budge, and we’ve got their copy below.
The Thor footage:
(io9 via Topless Robot; title pic via ScreenRant)
Published: Jul 29, 2010 10:30 am