Some little girls pretend to be brides by clipping toilet paper or sheets to their head. This little girl has a different idea. (on Reddit) Also, apologies for ending that title in a preposition.
Here is a picture of James Bond with the light saber he had no idea he’d wanted. (at How to Be a Retronaut)
You can get this mushroom cap, as long as you take a picture of yourself wearing it while making this face. (by ImSewCrafty on Etsy via So Geek Chic)
Speaking of Super Mario Bros.-themed goodies for your everyday life, Fangamer has this pipe mug that will transport you to a new level depending on what you choose to put in it. (via Technabob)
And finally, Zoe Saldana probably refers to her post-Avatar period as her Blue Period. See what we did there? (at The Frisky)
“The year after ‘Avatar’ was just emotionally overwhelming. I was traveling all over the world, waking up in different time zones. Your body gets exhausted, and by the end of the year I just collapsed … I was sitting in my hotel room, and I couldn’t stop crying. I couldn’t stay awake. I must have slept for an entire month.It took me the rest of the year, even as I was working and shooting ‘Colombiana,’ to pick myself up.”
Published: Aug 14, 2011 05:30 pm