Things We Saw Today: Calvin and Hobbes Private Investigations

Things We Saw Today
This article is over 13 years old and may contain outdated information

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A boy. His tiger. They’re cops. Splashy rendering by Franceso Francavilla. (Via Popped Culture)

There are nine more days to pledge funds (donations can be as small as $1) to back Diagram For Delinquents, a documentary about “the most hated man in comics history,” Fredric Wertham. A vocal supporter of the Comics Code, which sought to censor comic books, he published several works claiming that comics books were directly connected to juvenile delinquency. He was also one of those guys who claimed everyone in comics was gay, including Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin. (Natch.) But by the end of his life, he had written an entire book defending comics.

Wertham was never completely forgiven by the time of his death in 1981, and this documentary doesn’t seek to portray him as an enlightened man. It just wants to tell the fullest story possible about his effect on the comics industry. As of this writing, the $6,000 goal has been met, but the filmmakers are seeking a higher amount so they can use the additional money to upgrade their equipment. The Kickstarter campaign ends Monday, April 25! View the page on Kickstarter for more information.

Cake Wrecks has a bunch of Hobbit-themed cakes that are super cute and clever. Here is one:

And if you have some paper clips lying around, maybe you can create some small, Hobbit-sized weapons. Okay, those might be more gnome-sized. (Via Neatorama)

Che-bacca. (Via Toys R Evil)

Lab coat + rubber boots + rubber gloves stuck to a ski mask = cheap Dr. Zoidberg cosplay. (Via Fashionably Geek)

This is a picture of the world’s smallest wedding rings, formed from two strands of DNA, created at Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany.

Professor Alexander Heckel and his doctoral student Thorsten Schmidt were able to create two rings of DNA that are only 18 nanometers in size, which is a thousandth of the width of a human hair. The two rings, called catenans (after the Latin word for Chain), are interlocked.


And for when you get over it, the guillotine “divorce” ring. (Via Fashionably Geek)

And then for when you’ve made up … (Via The Daily What)

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