Sony has finally revealed the name and form of its new motion controller for the PlayStation, the PlayStation Move. Like Nintendo‘s Wiimote and Nun-chuck, it also has an off-hand peripheral with a joystick. Unlike the Nun-chuck, there is no cord, and, unlike the Wiimote, the Move has…
Please pay attention, Nintendo.
Rechargeable batteries.
According to Sony, the Move has better motion tracking than the Wii. Oddly enough, each controller (both mainhand and offhand) count as a “controller” for the PS3’s 4 controller cap. This means that only two people will be able to play with both hands at a time. For a group of three or four, players will only be able to use the main hand controller.
The PS Move also requires the Playstation Eye. While the Wii uses infrared to detect the location of Wiimotes, the Playstation apparently uses the visible spectrum of light.
This also explains another odd feature:
The colors, Duke, the colors. Apparently, the bulb at the end of the Move is not made of a colored material. Rather, it is sort of pearly and transparent. Three LEDs inside theoretically allow it to be any color in the spectrum, and it uses its connection with your Playstation’s Eye to tell which colors would be most vibrant and easy to “see” based on the color content of the room.
Joystiq has a gallery of numerous close pictures of the Move, which you can check out here.
Information via Eurogamer, Topless Robot, Joystiq, and Kotaku.
Published: Mar 12, 2010 02:25 pm