False Alarm: Sir Patrick Stewart Hasn’t Actually Signed On To X-Men: Days of Future Past Yet

Oh Hollywood
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It turns out that Bryan Singer‘s announcement about Sirs Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen being in X-Men: Days of Future Past was somewhat premature. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Stewart said that he “know[s] nothing about this project” and that “I don’t know that we’re doing it. I have not signed a contract yet.”

Oh, for the love of…

Says Stewart:

“Bryan let the cat out of the bag on Twitter, and it included announcing that Sir Ian and myself were going to be in this movie. We are, you know, under contractual oath with 20th Century Fox to say nothing about any prospective X-Men movie including the old team. I use ‘old’ advisedly.

So it’s a kind of awkward position, because lovely Bryan Singer just blurted it all out there. For me the big thrill is knowing that Bryan Singer is attached to this movie, because not only is he a brilliant director, but also I adore him and hope that it might be true and that we do work together at some point in the future. But I’m not being coy. I know nothing about this project. And I’m hoping that might change in the future.

I don’t know that we’re doing it. I have not signed a contract yet. I know there is a project in development, but we have no dates. No detailed casting. Thrilled to hear that my dear friend and colleague Ian McKellen is on board, but I’m sorry, you know, you need to understand, I’m not being cute. I know nothing.”

It’s my guess that, barring some sort of scheduling craziness, Stewart and McKellen will still end up reprising their roles for Days of Future Past. Stewart certainly sounds like he wants to; McKellen might already have signed on (in which case the “we” in “I don’t know that we’re doing it” could be a royal we? It’s Sir Patrick Stewart. I’ll allow it); and obviously Singer has a script that features their versions of Xavier and Magneto and wants both actors to be involved.

Jesus. The X-Franchise couldn’t be more of a convoluted mess at this point if it tried. Maybe it’s time to pull a St. Elsewhere, retcon the entire thing into fantasy land, and just start over. At least then we’d get rid of The Last Stand.

(via: blastr)

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