Mel Gibson Has a Point About Batman v Superman—Though He’s Still a Terrible Person

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For Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the bloodiest battle wasn’t between the caped crusaders on the big screen. It’s the disagreement amongst critics and fans that caught the most attention, with individuals saying they either loved the film or hated it (leaving little room for the in-betweeners). Now Mel Gibson is adding his thoughts to conversation and, well, let’s just say he isn’t a fan of comic book movies.

“I look at them and scratch my head,” he told Deadline during the Venice Film Festival“I’m really baffled by it. I think there’s a lot of waste but maybe if I did one of those things with the green screens I’d find out different. I don’t know. Maybe they do cost that much. I don’t know. It seems to me that you could do it for less. If you’re spending outrageous amounts of money, $180 million or more, I don’t know how you make it back after the tax man gets you, and after you give half to the exhibitors. What did they spend on Batman v Superman that they’re admitting to? And it’s a piece of shit.”

I hate to admit this due to his anti-Semitic, sexist and racist rants of the past (and domestic violence accusations), but he does have a point. B v S spent about $325 million before rebates and tax incentives, according to the Hollywood Reporter, and for what? Green screen action shots we’ve all seen before and a choppy edit? Throwing money at something doesn’t necessarily make it good and, in my opinion, the amount spent to make such a subpar project seemed to be a bit of a waste.

Massive explosions might look cool in IMAX but if there’s isn’t a well-executed story to back it up, then the project just falls flat. That’s the difference between a Suicide Squad and a Captain America: Civil War.

(via Geek Tyrant, image via Kim Davies on Flickr)

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