Marvel isn’t having any of this “superhero movies will die out” business, and to prove it, they’re adding an Ant-Man sequel and some unannounced mystery projects to their upcoming “phase 3” movie slate. Even better, the Wasp is finally getting her due right in the sequel’s title!
And this means even more good news for the MCU, as Black Panther, which was previously pushed back to make room for some Spider-Man, has been moved up again to February 16, 2018 with Ant-Man and the Wasp on July 6, 2018. Sadly, it also means that Captain Marvel is getting yet another bump to March 8, 2019 from November 2, 2018. Sigh.
But, Marvel is also adding three new, still unnamed movies to the house that Iron Man built in 2020 with release dates of May 1, 2020, July 10, 2020, and November 6, 2020. There’s no word on what these projects are yet, so let the rampant speculation begin. (Ms. Marvel, please? Pretty please?)
According to Marvel, these announcements come based on the success of Ant-Man, which was apparently enough to convince them that the public wants more superhero movies, not less. Still, we’re conflicted over the prospect of Hope Van Dyne getting a (though shared) title role as the Wasp vs. Captain Marvel getting another delay. Marvel, why must you toy with our emotions!?
Kinda feeling like this right now:
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Published: Oct 8, 2015 11:53 am