No, it’s not the control pad for an arcade port of Minesweeper, it’s actually a sweet, minimalist midi sequencer controller for musicians who work in the digital age, but long for the 80s. This 8×8 authentic HAPP button box by Aristomatic’s Travis Chen, comes complete with all the innards necessary for it to function perfectly as a controller for Monome Open Sound Control. If you don’t know what that means, just think of it this way: You can press all the buttons and they will make sounds and light up. What’s cooler than that?
If this is up your alley, you can buy one at Aristomatic’s Etsy shop for a cool $425. If it isn’t up your alley, you can scroll down for more pictures and a video and then proceed to wish it was up your alley so that you could justify spending the money to get one.
(via Technabob)
Published: Aug 25, 2011 01:06 pm