Aaron Sorkin Will Write the Steve Jobs Biopic, So Don’t Worry, It’ll Be Great

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There was a rumor that this was going to happen, and now it is confirmed: screenwriter extraordinaire Aaron Sorkin will be the one adapting Walter Isaacson‘s biography of late Apple CEO Steve Jobs for the big screen. Sorkin, most famous for his work on The West Wing, has already won an Oscar for his last script about a tech giant (The Social Network), so this will be familiar territory for him. Not that Sorkin couldn’t handle unfamiliar territory … oh, wait, just remembered Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Never mind. We’ll take familiar territory.

To be fair, Studio 60 was not a badly written show, but it was a badly approached show.

Anyway, back to the Steve Jobs thing. Indeed, Sorkin is an excellent choice for such a complicated personality because Sorkin is so great at writing for complicated people. He makes people flawed, but sympathetic, genius, but insensitive. He just has a knack for dialogue and people, and it’s refreshing and consistently entertaining. But considering Sorkin’s clout, he is one of the few screenwriters worthy (if you ask me) of tackling as big of a personality as Jobs. Those sentiments were echoed in the press release issued by Sony Pictures Entertainment, who is backing the movie. From their co-chair, Amy Pascal:

“Steve Jobs’ story is unique: he was one of the most revolutionary and influential men not just of our time but of all time. There is no writer working in Hollywood today who is more capable of capturing such an extraordinary life for the screen than Aaron Sorkin; in his hands, we’re confident that the film will be everything that Jobs himself was: captivating, entertaining, and polarizing.”

No word on a director yet, and so far, there are no rumors about one, nor is there a projected release date. But as long as we know it will be Aaron Sorkin putting the words in Jobs’ mouth, then I think we’re all gonna be okay.

Indeed, this could make everyone forget that Ashton Kutcher is currently playing Jobs in another movie, the more independent Jobs being directed by Joshua Michael Stern and written by Matt Whiteley (who might be nervous this morning). Sure, Kutch looks the part, and that’s all fine and good, but he’s going to be expected to say words on camera, too. We’ll hold on to our opinions until we see him actually saying those words, but I’m really excited about Sorkin’s script for the Isaacson story.

Now — who’s going to play Jobs in this movie? Is it still between Noah Wyle and George Clooney? Will actors start lining up now that Sorkin is definitely attached to write? This is gonna be fun.

(/Film via Videogum)

Previously in Steve Jobs

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