Squishmallows are famously cozy and lovable, but some designs venture far beyond cute and into downright bizarre territory. From a monocle-wearing octopus to mischievous goblins, these plushies embrace the weird in all the right ways. Here are the 13 weirdest Squishmallows guaranteed to add quirky charm to any collection!
13. Zobey the Octopus

As a Squishmallow collector who collects any octopus I can get my hands on, I couldn’t resist Zobey. She’s got this hilarious, fancy vibe with her monocle. I call her my sea-ristocrat! She adds such a fancy touch to my lineup, and I can’t help but giggle every time I see her. Zobey’s charm is totally weird, and I love it. Zobey, my fabulous, monocle-wearing Squishmallow, has taken the “weirdest” spot in my octopus collection. My best friend even gifted me the heart monocle version for Valentine’s Day last year!
12. Atwater the Purple Monster

Atwater the Purple Monster is hands down one of the most strange and unique Squishmallows I’ve come across! This sweet little love monster has cute eyes, a goofy toothy grin, and one-of-a-kind fin-style wings. If you’re into the strange but sweet, Atwater’s your girl. She’s like a mix between a friendly Halloween decoration and the lovable oddball of the group. Having her in my collection adds a touch of the bizarre, and let’s be honest, every collection needs that!
11. Lorono Lobster in Lobster Roll

So, about Lorono the Lobster, he’s alive, right? Is he happy? Is he in denial? Having the lobster peeking out of a roll is equal parts adorable and unsettling. I’m not into food themed Squishmallows, but there’s something oddly endearing about Lorono’s happy little face even if it’s a strange setup. Part of me feels guilty every time I see him, but it’s also kind of hilarious. Does he know he’s lunch? I have questions.
10. Adelle the Lava Lamp

I wasn’t sure what to think when I first saw Adelle the Lava Lamp. She’s simply a lava lamp with a big smile, just sitting there in plush form, and it’s honestly kind of genius. Adelle feels like a throwback to those groovy ‘70s vibes, and there’s something calming about her bubbly lava print. Adelle’s definitely got her own unique charm, and I’m here for it! I do love it when Squishmallows are just normal household items, and a lava lamp was a such a solid idea.
9. Omar in a Hockey Mask

Omar with a mask is a Squishmallow I didn’t know I needed, but here we are. Imagine your favorite plushie donning a Jason-style hockey mask, and yep, that’s Omar! The thought of this tough, gore-inspired mask on such a soft, squishy body is honestly hilarious. It’s like he’s ready to throw down, but he’s also a big squishy cuddle buddy ready to protect you on movie night. It also just so happens I not only collect all Omar variations, but Halloween as well! Match made in heaven.
8. Perkin the Mothman

I’m all about cryptids, so when I saw Perkin the Mothman, I knew he was coming home with me. When you think of Mothman, you usually think of a terrifying creature lurking in the dark. Some residents in the town of Point Pleasant in West Virginia might argue the Mothman is a harbinger of death, therefore shouldn’t be a plush. I’d argue the opposite. This cryptid may haunt the night, but having him in plushie form means he is on your side. It’s weirdly comforting!
7. Julianne the Coffin

What could be better to snuggle with, than a…….. coffin? Well, a bit of a tough sell. I just can’t bring myself to buy a coffin Squishmallow, no matter how cute Julianne’s face is. But I will absolutely admit she fits perfectly in a goth collection. With her evil gaze and perfect color blend, she’s got that spooky vibe that blends in with all things dark and mysterious. I’ll leave her to others, but I’ll always admire how well she’d stand out on someone’s shelf bringing it together perfectly.
6. The Demogorgon

As a massive Stranger Things fan, I had to mention Demogorgon in Squishmallow list dedicated to weirdness. I have been personally victimized by Demogorgons and Demobats. They’ve made me cry, hard. This creature has wreaked havoc on my mental health. That being said, I was already in my car, credit card in hand when I originally saw this drop online. Remember, you don’t have to cuddle with a Squishmallow. My plan for this monster is to punch it during my next re-watch binge.
5. Ambergris the Goblin King

Okay, Ambergris the Goblin King is definitely one of the weirdest by far. His goblin vibe is already offbeat enough, but his bio takes it to another level. He collects porcelain pig figurines. What?! It’s such a bizarre detail, but I’m here for it. Honestly, collect on my king! Who am I to judge? Rock that crown, serve that look, and collect those pigs!
4. Marjorie the Naked Mole Rat

Marjorie the Naked Mole Rat is definitely one of the weirdest Squishmallows I’ve seen. I mean, she’s a naked mole rat, an animal that’s pretty strange on its own. Her wrinkly pink body and tiny teeth are definitely… something. I can understand her appeal for fans of weird creatures, because let’s be honest this list is filled with Squishmallows I own. She’s definitely memorable, but I’m not sure I’d ever find her as something I’d want to snuggle with.
3. Ralphie the Rat

Ralphie the Rat is my number three weirdest Squishmallow, and I know that might make me a hypocrite after all my comments on Marjorie the Naked Mole Rat. But Ralphie? He’s stunning. With that devious little grin and his trash can overflowing with who-knows-what, come on! He’s chaos and he’s absolutely the moment. I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t one of my favorites. He’s got a vibe that screams trouble and charm all at once, and I just can’t help but love it.
2. Beetlejuice

Having Beetlejuice as a Squishmallow feels like a weird and wild joke. One that’s far too good to pass up. This is a character known for being gross, chaotic, and downright disgusting, and now you’re supposed to snuggle with him? Great. I’ll take 12. Seriously, I didn’t hesitate buying both Beetlejuice and the Sandworm as soon as they dropped. I don’t snuggle with them, they’d likely hate that. I keep them on my desk. Just imagine visiting my house on Halloween and you walk in to find me in a Sandworm costume, typing away with Beetlejuice by my side. I like to think I’m cool.
1. Ms. K the Clown

I am crowning Ms. K the Goth Clown as the weirdest Squishmallow. But I have a confession, I’m absolutely scared of clowns. I know these clown Squishmallows have a huge following, and I’m not judging anyone who loves them, but I just can’t bring myself to buy one. The dark, gothic clown vibe is certainly, a moment, for many. It’s not something I’d want to snuggle up with, or even shelf. I may have a home office filled with fandom memorabilia of all kinds, zombies, gore, and horror, but we all draw a line somewhere. Some things are just too creepy and weird, even for my collection.
Published: Nov 11, 2024 03:52 pm