Things We Saw Today: Random Oscar Winner Generator

Things We Saw Today
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

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To create their Random Oscar Winner Generator, TIME took the IMDB keywords of the 233 movies nominated for Best Picture since 1970 and plugged them into an algorithm. My favorite is “A movie star and a film producer in the 1860s cope with fame and adultery,” because time travel. Share yours in the comments.

Twitterer @Samvalasam, bringing the honesty. (Fashionably Geek)

  • Tumblr has let you tag other users for a while (I know, I was surprised too), but now if you tag someone in a post said user will actually get a notification about it. The Daily Dot has more.
  • Via The Frisky, Monday’s How I Met Your Mother put three of its white characters in yellowface.

James Hance does it again with this Thorin Oakenshield wood carving. (Nerd Approved)

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