People partying in the streets of New York during Pride.

Congratulations New York, Scott Adams Is Boycotting You

That's worth celebrating

Trump is continuing to get a dose of reality as a judge issued his ruling in the New York civil case, ordering him to pay  $355 million for fraud. And the worst people online are big mad about it.

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All in all, the liar-in-chief got off somewhat easy, one could say. Judge Engoron said it was no longer necessary to dissolve all of Trump’s business operations in the state, backing out of an earlier ruling and allowing the Trump Organization to keep going, just under supervision from an independent entity for a minimum of three years. They also must hire an independent compliance director. This oversight is supposed to help ensure that Trump and his cronies do not continue to commit fraud and/or other financial crimes.

Regardless of the business ventures continuing on, under stricter scrutiny of course, this is a huge statement of law saying that Trump is a fraudulent person and businessman. And the $355 million is no small price tag. So everyone is not taking the news so well.

One of these pathetic, angry people is comic creator Scott Adams. For the fortunately unfamiliar, he is the brain behind the comic strip Dilbert. He is also a terrible person. Adams is so upset with the Trump ruling he declared via tweet that he will cancel all NYC business trips until the “Trump property seizure” is reversed.

First of all, “property seizure” is a stretch. Secondly, it is still astonishing how many people are willing to sabotage their own lives in the name of Trump. Why harm your own business or finances because Trump is a criminal and a fraud? Seems truly cult-like if you ask me.

This is just the latest instance of Adams being a huge whiny conservative crybaby online. He made some vile statements on his YouTube show last year that really put him, rightfully, in hot water. On an episode in February of 2023, he said to his fellow white people that they should “get the hell away from Black people” and also said Black people were a hate group.

These are wildly ignorant and racist statements and he paid a price. He lost his pending book deal, for one. Good! People should not be rewarded for bigotry. Period. But that wasn’t it. He has been a menace on X/Twitter for years. Last year, he tweeted that he identified as Black for several years, “partly” to avoid being discriminated against by Black people. Um, what? Was he trolling? Was he serious? Either way, racial identity is not something to joke or make light about. There are real-world effects that come with being Black that definitely don’t include less discrimination. It is not just a careless statement, it alludes to the idea that racial labels are unimportant, something that can be just made up or changed on a whim. I am not sure exactly what the point was he was trying to make, but I know that it was dumb.

Adams’ blog has also been quite concerning. Back in 2011, for example, his readers wanted him to write about Men’s Rights. ALWAYS a major red flag. Adams was happy to take on this pressing topic (insert sarcasm). Here is an extremely unhinged and offensive statement about women from his blog:

The reality is that women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently. It’s just easier this way for everyone. You don’t argue with a four-year-old about why he shouldn’t eat candy for dinner. You don’t punch a mentally handicapped guy even if he punches you first.

So he is comparing women to children? To those with intellectual disabilities? This is clearly degrading to women as well as disabled people, but also is simply untrue. The tragedy of it is that people DO argue with women, all of the time. And people DO physically assault women, whether they “punch you first” or not. So the levels of idiocy in his way-too-long-winded statement are staggering. 

So who needs Adams’ business anyway? This just warrants congratulations to the people of New York City, who get to walk around town with no fear of bumping into one of the internet’s worst people.

I do think we need to be constantly reminded, though, of the kind of people that go so hard for Trump. Why are they almost always total losers?

(featured image: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)

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