Finn and Poe on Vanity Fair cover

Poe Dameron Had Space Jewelry in The Last Jedi, Too—Jewelry He’s Been Saving for “the Right Partner”

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io9 recently shared some of their favorite tidbits from Star Wars: The Last Jedi™: The Visual Dictionary. The Visual Dictionary, written by Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm Story Group, is meant to serve as a definitive guide to “the characters, creatures, droids, locations, and technology from the new film.”

Among the many awesome details in the book was one about Poe Dameron. We’ve written before about the profusion of “space jewelry” in The Last Jedi, which the late Carrie Fisher reportedly insisted on. “[She] told me with great urgency that we needed ‘space jewelry,'” director Rian Johnson wrote on Twitter. And it turns out the ladies weren’t the only ones who got jewelry!

Poe Dameron, as you might have noticed if you’ve seen the film, wore a ring on a necklace around his neck, and it turns out this was his mother’s wedding ring. Vanity Fair writer Joanna Robinson tweeted an image of the specific page from the Visual Dictionary, which reads: “Poe wears the wedding ring of his late mother, Shara Bey, on a necklace, waiting to share it someday with the right partner.”

First off, both the Finn-Poe shipper and the bisexual in me loves that they wrote “partner” rather than “woman.” This is one of those places where it’d be easy to lean into heteronormativity, or canonically un-queer the character, but instead they didn’t. The ship lives!

But I also love that this sentimental, femme bit of jewelry was worn by the hot-headed fighter pilot character. It’s the sort of thing we’d never have seen Han Solo wearing, and though it’s a tiny detail, it’s one that adds more nuance and emotionality to Poe’s relatively traditional masculinity. Men have feelings, too, folks.

(Via io9; image via Vanity Fair)

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