Patrick Stewart and Stephen Colbert team up on The Late Show for a sketch that ribs Beckett and skewers Trump’s healthcare promises. And was that a Star Trek reference?! *grabby hands*

(via Comedy Central)
In Beckett’s classic play Waiting For Godot, the characters Estragon and Vladimir ruminate about life, the universe, and everything while waiting for someone named Godot (spoiler alert: he never shows). In 2013, Patrick Stewart played Vladimir opposite his BFF Ian McKellen as Estragon on Broadway, and he brings his theatrical chops to The Late Show to hilarious effect.
“Waiting for Godot’s Obamacare” sees Stewart and Colbert donning the costumes long associated with Godot (baggy suits, bowler hats, scraggly beards). With the sound off, they could be mistaken for performing pure Beckett, but in actuality, they’re riffing on the (seemingly endless) wait for the president and the GOP to fulfill their much-talked-about boasts to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare. To wit:
Colbert: Why hasn’t it come already?
Stewart: He said it was more complicated than anyone thought.
As a theater nerd and a longtime Patrick Stewart fan, this pretty much made my day (bonus: Stewart’s whole interview with Colbert, wherein he discusses his latest role in Logan, is here). And if you, like me, miss seeing Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, make sure to watch the sketch through the end.
(via Flavorwire, featured image via screengrab)
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Published: Mar 2, 2017 02:45 pm