Pica the stone giant stomps through the world in "One Piece"
(Toei Animation)

Rocks and Fruits and Lots of Muscles: Everything You Need to Know About ‘One Piece’s Ishi Ishi No Mi

Earth bending has reached The Big Three! Somebody tell King Bumi! The Ishi Ishi No Mi has caused a commotion in the world of One Piece.

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Refresher course: What’s a Devil Fruit?

No, it is not a Republican slang term for someone pushing the queer agenda onto God-fearing Americans. A Devil Fruit is one of many supernatural fruits that are scattered throughout the world of One Piece. While they can crop up anywhere in the world, they generally appear in the Grand Line. What a surprise.

If a Devil Fruit is eaten, it will grant the consumer fantabulous powers. Like turning into rubber! Or being able to grow limbs out of faraway surfaces! Or turning one’s own body into a soul-sucking void of darkness! You know, powers that everyone wants! Devil Fruits are divided into three types: Logia, Zoan, and Paramecia.

Logia Devil Fruits allow users to control a natural element, like sand or rock or fire. Unlike benders from the Avatar universe, they are also able to transform their own body parts into that natural element! How their neurons continue to process signals from the brain after they’ve been turned to literal stone is a mystery for the neuroscientists! Just go with it!

Zoan type Devil Fruits allow a user to transform their bodies into various beasts, monsters, and mythical creatures! Like giant dragons many times their normal size! But wait, doesn’t this defy the law of conservation of matter? That’s a question for the physicists, not pirates!

The last type, Paramecia Devil Fruits, grant a variety of weird and cool powers that don’t fall neatly into the Zoan or Logia Devil Fruit types. The most famous Paramecia Devil Fruit? The one Luffy ate! It turns his body into rubber! How do you categorize that? The same way you categorize the Ishi Ishi No Mi. You don’t.

What is the Ishi Ishi No Mi?

The Ishi Ishi No Mi Devil Fruit is a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows the user to merge with and manipulate stone. This is NOT the same thing as a Logia type Devil Fruit. The user can’t make rocks out of their own body, or turn that body into rocks, crushing any dreams of rock-hard abs. However, the Ishi Ishi No Mi does have some serious perks.

You ever play Tears of the Kingdom? You know that ability Link gets that allows him to swim straight up through stone? The Ishi Ishi No Mi lets you do that too, except you can swim in all directions. Suck on that, Hero of Hyrule. The Ishi Ishi’s powers also let the user camouflage themselves in stone and remain undetectable, just like the Second Tsuchikage from Naruto! Or was that the Third? I get ’em all confused. Whatever. The Ishi Ishi No Mi has both those donguses beat because it allows the user to manipulate any quantity of stone around them. Including whole castles! And that’s exactly what Pica does to Dresserosa Castle!

Wait… Who’s Pica?

Pica is the wielder of the Ishi Ishi no Mi! You can’t miss him. He’s literally 15 feet tall. All of that mass is muscle. He’s one of three top officers in the Donquixote Pirates, arguably their strongest. Despite his hulking frame, he’s actually got a silly little voice! It’s really funny and doesn’t match his body at all. But don’t laugh at him, or you’re gonna get stoned. (Not in the fun way, in the beat you to death with rocks way.)

Pica’s stone assimilation powers allow him to pile more rocks on himself than Giles Corey in The Crucible. He’s able to augment his already massive frame with stone in order to reach towering heights. He can turn into a literal giant (more of a giant than he already is, think Attack On Titan size) except he’s also able to turn rocks into a giant katana that he can swing with deadly efficiency from long range. He’s also able to infinitely regenerate his rock body upon receiving damage so long as he’s still in contact with rocky ground. In the world of One Piece, Pica’s got the biggest stones of all. Just as long as no one lifts him off the ground … Being airborne is his one weakness.

(Featured Image: Toei Animation)

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Image of Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.