Netflix plans to host some upcoming projects from DreamWorks Animation, such as a reboot of the ’80s cartoon Voltron in which a team of humans power a massive mech, as well as a new animated series helmed by Guillermo del Toro called Trollhunters.
No, del Toro has absolutely nothing to do with the Voltron reboot, in spite of the fact that he’s become quite well-known for that other little mech story — and in spite of the fact that these two pieces of news keep getting reported side by side. Maybe if we put Guillermo del Toro’s name next to the words “Voltron reboot” often enough, they will combine to form quality television?
Actually, though, Guillermo del Toro’s Trollhunters sounds promising: it’s a kid-friendly show about two best friends who discover strange happenings deep underground beneath their hometown — I assume those strange happenings are trolls. Also, del Toro co-wrote a book called Trollhunters, the description of which bears a strong resemblance to the description of this show — the book has a huge variation in review scores, but “love it or hate it” describes a lot of del Toro’s work, so that doesn’t surprise me too much.
Are you excited about the Voltron reboot? What do you think about Trollhunters? Have any of you read the book?
(via TV Line, image via Giphy)
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Published: Jan 5, 2016 02:05 pm