Miss Hokusai, an animated film that opened in Japan last summer, is making its way to the United States this fall. The film began as a historical manga series written and illustrated by Hinako Sugiura in the ’80s, and its adaptation has won a variety of awards. We now have an official subbed trailer, thanks to GKIDS and Production I.G.
The trailer first introduces us to eclectic Japanese artist and ukiyo-e painter Katsushika Hokusai, who you probably know from his iconic work The Great Wave off Kanagawa from Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. It then shifts to the perspective of his daughter and our protagonist, Katsushika O-Ei, who begins to work on her own paintings which are then sold under her father’s name.
Director Keiichi Hara is known for his work on Doraemon, Crayon Shin-chan, and more recently, Colorful and Summer Days with Coo. The screenplay was written by Miho Maruo, and the voice cast includes Yutaka Matsushige, Anne Watanabe, Kumiko Asô, Gaku Hamada and Kengo Kôra.
One of my favorite films is the Artemisia Gentileschi biopic Artemisia (1997) and I adore animation, so it’s not hard to see why I’m super excited to watch Miss Hokusai on the big screen. You can catch the film in select theaters October 14th, will you be checking it out?
(via Indiewire)
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Published: Aug 26, 2016 03:42 pm