When talking about the amount of coronavirus deaths in the United States, Donald Trump simply said, “It is what it is.” So now that Donald Trump has tested positive for the virus after downplaying the severity of it over and over again throughout these last seven months? Well … it is what it is.
My own personal level of sympathy for the president is in the gutter somewhere. For MONTHS, he lied about this virus, blamed China and was continually was racist about it, and refused to wear masks or do anything as the president of the United States. So … I truly cannot muster up one moment of pity for the man now that he has tested positive and is exhibiting mild symptoms.

What’s lovely about the internet, though, is that so many of us are in this same boat. The president, in my opinion, doesn’t need our sympathy. Those 200,000+ Americans who died because he refused to take a pandemic seriously do. So I, personally, will choose to just enjoy the influx of jokes about the irony of the situation.
Look, if this was any other situation, I might feel differently, but he’s been actively harmful to real efforts to help the American people, called it a hoax, tweeted things like “LIBERATE MICHIGAN” after pushing all the responsibilities onto a state level, and held rallies despite the fact that it WAS NOT SAFE.
Not to mention the fact that he mocked Joe Biden for his mask-wearing ON TUESDAY. WHEN TRUMP PROBABLY ALREADY HAD THE VIRUS. So, do I feel bad? No. Not in the slightest. I feel bad for my 91-year-old aunt who had to fight it off because she lives in a nursing home, and months after the virus got bad, had someone come in and infect the place. I feel bad for families who lost loved ones who couldn’t go and see them. I feel bad for those still suffering. I don’t feel bad for him.
I’m happy we get all these wonderful memes about it, though!
My contribution to this morning’s Discourse. pic.twitter.com/hLjXXSy8sy
— The Colin’s coming from inside the house!📞💀 (@colinelmustard) October 2, 2020
— Ben Platt (@BenSPLATT) October 2, 2020
Enough with the jokes. It’s time for compassion. Someone from ANTIFA bring the president a can of soup.
— James Fritz (@fritzisdead) October 2, 2020
Actual footage of me at 2am pic.twitter.com/4rkUeCVsYW
— Derek | #WearAMaskAndVOTE (@Derrrek_) October 2, 2020
covid leaving the white house this morning pic.twitter.com/JJVlMxEkio
— nicole boyce (@nicolewboyce) October 2, 2020
To everyone crying compassion, and sending well wishes.
COVID-19 is a gift compared to what he’s done.
— Yolanda Machado (@SassyMamainLA) October 2, 2020
it is what it is pic.twitter.com/gTAzHwbAgy
— Magdaloween! (@MagsVisaggs) October 2, 2020
Obama tried to warn him pic.twitter.com/vpBkVf8R6A
— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) October 2, 2020
unrelated to anything I’m now ok with ppl calling it the “China virus”
— T$E CHUN (@thetzechun) October 2, 2020
Save him with the bleach!!!!
— Funch (@RonFunches) October 2, 2020
— out of context parks & rec 🎃 (@nocontextpawnee) October 2, 2020
damn trump was just here touching all the dinosaurs with his tongue
— Jurassic Park Updates (@JurassicPark2go) October 2, 2020
— no context succession (@nocontextroyco) October 2, 2020
Coronavirus, stand back and stand by
— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) October 2, 2020
I really don’t care, do you?
— ADAM (@AdamSilvera) October 2, 2020
Me reading Trump’s tweet: pic.twitter.com/Mx7oO7R0dH
— rachel leishman (@RachelLeishman) October 2, 2020
— Emma Roller (@emmaroller) October 2, 2020
Trump says he doesn’t believe in Socialism but he’s about to get tens of thousands of dollars worth of public healthcare that he only paid $750 for
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) October 2, 2020
Y’all bad 😂 pic.twitter.com/hEjtS35ze9
— Lana Del Gay 🏳️🌈👻✨ (@McClellandShane) October 2, 2020
You lose all sense of taste with Covid so how long has he had it pic.twitter.com/3h5I5drCjz
— Danny Wallace (@dannywallace) October 2, 2020
I wouldn’t wish sickness on my worst enemy, but karma did it for me.

(image: Win McNamee/Getty Images)
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—The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—
Published: Oct 2, 2020 12:36 pm