Futurama Crew cheering
(image:20th Century Television)

Good News, Everyone! Futurama is Returning as a Mobile Game

For everyone who ever wanted "interplanetary delivery person" as their job title.
This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

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There’s a lot one can appreciate about Futurama–its solid humor mixed with poignant moments, its memorable characters, or the fact that it survived cancellation to return again, if only for a brief time–but now we’re getting more of it, and in the form of a mobile game!

In an announcement made earlier this week, Berlin-based creator Wooga Games and Fox Digital Entertainment said they’ll be partnering up to create a mobile game inspired by the beloved TV show, and they’ve released a small teaser of a summary about what we have to look forward to:

The game, titled Futurama: Game of Drones, takes players on a journey with the Planet Express crew as they fight a desperately imbalanced trade war against longtime shipping rival MomCo. While delivering dangerous cargo to hazardous locations under ill-advised circumstances, players connect groups of delivery drones to solve an array of fiendish puzzles as they venture into iconic environments from the Futurama universe.

Sounds like we’ll be running into some old foes and getting the opportunity to revisit some of our favorite landscapes. No word yet on whether or not the show’s cast will be returning to add their voices to the game; we do know that one of the original members of the writing team is going to be lending their talents to the storyline. We also don’t know exactly when the game will be released, or what devices we’ll be able to play it on once it is–but there’s going to be new Futurama to look forward to, and that in itself is, well, neat.

(via Wooga Games)

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