Eleven Will Return in Stranger Things Season Two, Water Is Wet, and the Sky Is Blue

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Millie Bobby Brown has officially signed on to the cast list for Stranger Things season two, which means that we’ll get to see more of Eleven’s story unfold in the coming episodes. Sure, maybe that’s obvious, but it’s still exciting news for those of us who are impatiently waiting to find out what Eleven plans to do next in the story. And by “those of us,” I mean “all of us,” because if you’ve seen Stranger Things, then you get it. She’s a real charmer!

I guess there were some people out there who thought that the end of the first season suggested that Eleven might not come back, or that she was dead, but I always assumed she’d be fine and that we’d totally see her again. Earlier this month, we got some clues from the Stranger Things cast and creative team that we’d be seeing Eleven again, but like I said, I always had faith. After all, dead characters don’t generally have Eggos left for them in the woods. I do realize we’re going to get introduced to some new characters next season, and I’m excited to meet them, but I also am happy to hear that many of our faves will be returning.

So, if you were worried that Eleven was dead, then now you can rest easy. She lives! Unfortunately, #JusticeForBarb will still remain a rallying cry for the rest of the show’s duration, since the Stranger Things creative team has held fast on their decision when it comes to the fate of Shannon Purser’s character.

Knowing that some characters might not return is part of what gives Stranger Things its narrative weight, of course–if everyone came back, it wouldn’t be the same. I’m sad that we won’t be seeing Barb again, but at least we can look forward to more from El.

(via TV Line, images via Netflix screencap and xoVain)

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