Donald Trump speaks at a microphone.

Cowardly Trump Drops Lawsuit Against Michael Cohen

If there’s one thing Donald Trump believes in, it’s retaliation. We saw him go after E. Jean Carroll who accused him of sexually assaulting and raping her. Earlier this year, in a civil case, a jury found that Trump did sexually abuse Carroll, but rejected the rape claim. While many were glad that Trump was found liable for something, Carroll told CNN that he did it (referring to the rape). The legal differences between sexual abuse/assault and rape are very specific, so just because a jury rejected the rape claim doesn’t mean he’s not a garage human. Sexual abuse is still a horrific and serious matter. Instead of leaving the verdict alone, Trump and his legal team decided to countersue Carroll for defamation regarding her post-verdict comments. This shows that he’s a retaliatory individual who seeks revenge no matter the situation or the victims. And, of course, Trump was found guilty of additional libel against Carroll, with additional penalties.

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We saw another example of this when he decided to sue his former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen. Cohen has turned on Trump in recent years, spilling his secrets in his memoir, Disloyal. He testified before a grand jury months ago, which led to Trump’s first criminal indictment in March regarding the hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels. Cohen is also expected to testify in the current civil trial taking place in New York City regarding fraud perpetrated by Trump and his organization. Aside from legal proceedings, Cohen has written about his experiences and has continued to speak openly on TV and podcasts. Because of his outspokenness, Trump retaliated. See a pattern? He filed a lawsuit back in April for $500 million. He alleged that Cohen breached his obligations as his confidant and attorney by speaking out. Funnily enough, that lawsuit was filed just days after the state of New York indicted him. 

Trump was scheduled to be deposed regarding his lawsuit against Cohen. He had already asked the judge to delay his deposition so that he could attend his civil trial for fraud in New York City. Gosh, it must be tough being entangled in so many legal battles! And still running for President! And becoming the next possible Speaker of the House! Anyway, the judge offered him a brief delay which still would have required Trump to get deposed. I guess was too much for him to handle. We know that Trump is incapable of not lying under oath, so legally it makes sense that he doesn’t want to be deposed for a lawsuit as stupid as this one. But the problem remains that a former President simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Even his legal team knows this. The question is, does his base care? Sadly, I think we know the answer.

(featured image: Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

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