We’re Just Really Happy About This Clip of Idris Elba Dancing on The Tonight Show

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The world’s kind of out of control right now, I know. So, as a kind refresher on the good things this earth has to offer, why not watch this clip of Idris Elba on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon? In it, he talks about his moonlighting as a DJ and his role in Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ newest video, “Dance Off.” Of course, with a title like that, you just know Elba’s got to throw down a little bit.

Elba’s dancing was prompted by a story about him getting recognized in a club and challenged to a dance off. According to Elba, this happens in a bathroom, of all places, and he’s got to turn ’em down because first of all why would you challenge Idris freakin’ Elba to a dance off, and second, why would you do that in a bathroom what are you even doing? “I was like, bro, no, man,” said Elba. “No, I don’t want a challenge.” Of course, celebrity sightings being what they are, he said suddenly everybody turned around and noticed he was there, and it just got awkward.

After Fallon questions his dancing ability, Elba decides that instead of throwing down in a bathroom in front of a bunch of random people, he’d rather throw own on the Tonight Show stage (but still in front of a bunch of random people).

The full interview’s worth watching because Elba shares a really fun story about him doing a surprise DJ set during a Nile Rodgers show. Every DJ has their nightmare story of when things go absolutely wrong, and Elba went ahead and shared his, too. Definitely check it out.

(via Vulture)

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