Amazon’s Rings of Power has now wrapped up its second season. The most expensive television show ever is now 16 episodes deep into what is set to be a five-season series. We’ve had danger, excitement, magic, and betrayal, but which episodes are the show’s best so far?
The series reached quite the climax with the season two finale. Eregion, along with its Lord, has fallen, The Stranger is Gandalf (who could have guessed?!), and Elendil has escaped the city in Númenor with the sword Narsil. This season shaped up a lot better than the first season overall, but it still hit a few bum notes along the way. Let’s focus on the highlights then, and rank the top ten episodes across both seasons!
10. Season 1, Episode 3: Adar

Three episodes in, and we are still being introduced to the full scale of the world. Galadriel, along with the “man” Halbrand, are saved by Elindil (or, as fans know him, Aragorn’s great, great, great…. grandfather), who takes them to the powerful island nation of Númenor. Whilst Galadriel is saved, Arondir is captured, and we meet an entirely new character, Adar, the father of orcs. At this point, we are still guessing as to Sauron’s identity, and Adar was a prime suspect…
9. Season 1, Episode 1: A Shadow of the Past

The start of a show is always a favorite for many. It is here we first meet characters and the world they live in and begin to understand the context into which we, as the audience, are now entering. Much like the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Galadriel is tasked with the exposition, and the visuals here are stunning. The first episode moves rapidly and ends with a bang, a strange man has fallen from the sky near a couple of curious Harfoots.
8. Season 2, Episode 1: Eleven Kings Under the Sky

It was a decent start to the second series, throwing us straight into the action as Galadriel and Elrond race to King Gil-Galad with the rings in tow. Elrond does not trust them and is willing to defy his king to protect Middle Earth. Nori, Poppy, and The Stranger make their way to a land not much explored on screen, and a still-disguised Sauron bargains with Adar.
7. Season 2, Episode 6: Where Is He?

This episode has its highs and lows. The politics in Númenor get a little daft, and we half wonder why anyone is listening to Ar-Pharazôn at this point. The action between Celebrimbor and Sauron is where things get very interesting as Sauron starts to turn his staff against him by sewing seeds of doubt over his sanity. Elsewhere, Galadriel and Adar wonder if, perhaps, together, they can bring down the Dark Lord.
6. Season 1, Episode 2: Adrift

The episode starts to build up the relationships between the characters, the favorite of which is the relationship between the Dwarf Prince Durin VI and the half-Elf Elrond. Theirs is perhaps the most loved friendship in the first season, reminiscent of that of Legolas and Gimli’s friendship. We also get to meet Halbrand, a man afloat at sea who helps to rescue Galadriel from the vast ocean. We have to wonder, is he friend or foe?
5. Season 2, Episode 5: Halls of Stone

Here, we finally start to see the darkness that lurks within the rings of power made under Sauron’s watch. Durin III’s greed starts to grow, and his son questions Celebrimbor on the nature of this “Annatar” fellow. We see Celebrimbor give in to the power of Sauron as he allows himself to be deceived into making nine rings for men. In Númenor, a power struggle is at play as Ar-Pharazôn begins to wage war on the faithful. For those in the know, this is the beginning of he end of the powerful kingdom of men.
4. Season 1, Episode 8: Alloyed

Sauron is finally revealed in the final episode, and a new fantasy ship is born. Many of our hunches were affirmed when Halbrand, who has been by Galadriel’s side for almost the entire first season, reveals he is indeed the Dark Lord. He tempts Galadriel to his side in a speech that is passionate and powerful, giving rise to some fans shipping the couple. The three Elven Rings of Power are forged by Celebrimbor and Elrond makes a discovery that sets him at odds with Galadriel.
3. Season 2, Episode 8: Shadow and Flame

The climactic ending started with one of the most emotional and stunning moments in the series. King Durin, pushed by greed, had uncovered the home of the Balrog. In a final moment of clarity, he took off his ring and faced the consequences head-on. Celebrimbor and Eregion’s demise was heartbreaking, but the Elf craftsman had one last prophetic moment that would haunt Sauron for the rest of his days. Sauron and Galadriel finally reunited, fighting over the nine rings of power for Men. We also finally learnt what we all suspected, that The Stranger was Gandalf all along.
2. Season 1, Episode 6: Udûn

Considered the best episode of the first season, Udûn is energetic, thrilling, and visually spectacular. The warriors of Númenor have arrived in Middle Earth with Galadriel and Halbrand, and Adar and his orcs are on the back foot. Or so we are led to believe. A mystical sword is put into play, wielded by a human traitor, Waldreg, who uses it to unleash hell. A huge volcanic eruption ensues, and the pyroclasts sweep toward our heroes, engulfing them in darkness.
1. Season 2, Episode 7: Doomed to Die

For those of us who know the lore, we knew Eregion was destined to fall, but that didn’t make watching it any easier. The penultimate episode went even darker than the rest of the season, with war breaking out between the Elves and the Orcs. The mastery of this episode was Sauron’s mastery of manipulation over Celebrimbor and the other elves, his full power on display. It also featured a rather confusing and painful to watch kiss, one that some fans into a meltdown on social media.
What do you think of our list? Would you have ranked it this way? Let us know in the comments!
(featured image: Amazon Prime)
Published: Oct 8, 2024 09:52 am