wandavision six hours of this

Things We Saw Today: WandaVision Is Going to Be “F**King Bonkers,” Says Paul Bettany

This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

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If you’re like me, you’re probably waiting anxiously for more information on WandaVision, a show that has been rumored to include multiple Young Avengers and gives Wanda Maximoff her own time to shine (something I’m personally very excited for). But as excited as I am, according to star Paul Bettany, Vision himself, we should probably wait and be patient.

While at Sundance for his film Uncle Frank, Bettany was asked about the show, and his response both gave me hope and made me groan because I don’t want to wait any longer! I want content now! (Imagine me stamping my foot like a petulant child here.)

To be honest, though, this is exciting because it means that we’re getting a look at WandaVision sooner than anticipated. In fact, I wasn’t even aware they started filming yet, so if we are, for sure, getting a first look soon? Can’t wait to cry over my baby girl and the dream life she wanted to have. (Or whatever this show is going to be. I’m still confused and yet so hyped.)

(image: Marvel Entertainment)

Here are some other stories we saw:

  • Jason Polan, who was known for his “Every Person in New York” project, has died. (via Buzzfeed News)
  • Dan Levy, of Schitt’s Creek, is to receive a Human Right’s Campaign Visibility Award. (via Entertainment Weekly)

  • A baby Yoda backpack is on the horizon. (via ComicBook.com)
  • Worried about having your DNA information stolen from those home tests? Well, the industry for them is cratering. (via Boing Boing)


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