Tom Hiddleston as Loki in The Avengers

What’s Your Supervillian Origin Story? Twitter Answers.


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From stepping on a LEGO piece to hearing slander about Simone Biles, we all have our supervillain origin story. It’s that one thing, that one moment, or that one aspect of life that makes you go, “You know what? I’m done. Let’s be a villain.” And yes, it’s playful. None of us truly want to be villains. Well, some might, but we’re not here because of them. We’re here because Hashtag Roundup is doing its job when it comes to viral hashtags and the whatnot. And today’s just so happens to be #MySuperVillainOriginStory.

Personally, my villain origin story has many beginnings—for one, white pants. They’re a menace to society that needs to be ended now. And as a woman, it’s a horrifying thought that you might wear these and BAM, your period has arrived. *Shudder.* Then there’s those that gaslight those around them as if they didn’t do anything wrong, like in that conversation between Lucy Liu and Bill Murray during their time on Charlie’s Angels. It was gaslighting then, and it’s still gaslighting in 2021.

Having just finished Loki, Miss Minutes could be part of my villain origin story, too—not Sylvie, because I believe I would make the same decision, from kissing to Tom Hiddleston to setting the universe free after running from one disaster to another, for God or Miss Minutes only knows how long. Disney’s repeated, “Oh, look. We featured a gay character!” in movies like Jungle Cruise could also destroy me because they try to pass off a single moment that is gone in the blink of an eye as great representation that we should should be satisfied with. We’re not. I’m not.

And it’s all part of #MySuperVillainOriginStory. What’s yours?

Check out my favorite responses to #MySuperVillainOriginStory below:

(image: Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images)

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Image of Lyra Hale
Lyra Hale
Lyra (She/Her) is a queer Latinx writer who stans badass women in movies, TV shows, and books. She loves crafting, tostones, and speculating all over queer media. And when not writing she's scrolling through TikTok or rebuilding her book collection.