Donald Trump hugs a US flag and yells

Trump Asking the Justice Department to Look Into SNL for Mocking Him Is an Abuse of Power

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As if Former President Donald J. Trump couldn’t get any more ridiculous, The Daily Beast reported that he tried to get the Justice Department involved when it came to SNL mocking him. And all jokes aside, it’s an abuse of power that is scary, despite the fact that he’s no longer in office. It just goes to show you that he tried to silence anyone who disagreed with him or questioned him and his decisions, especially the ridiculous ones.

In a tweet no longer available because Former President Donald J. Trump is still banned from Twitter due to inciting a violent insurrection, the man in question said, “It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side.'” And he tied it all off with a bow, asking, “Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”

Two anonymous sources told The Daily Beast that Trump had talked to lawyers and advisers on what the Justice Department could do on his behalf to stop SNL, and it’s clear as anyone can see, his purpose was to knock down SNL a couple of notches as a means of showing them who was the boss and how far his reach actually went. Thank God that the anonymous sources found it to be “more annoying than alarming” because I would’ve been alarmed from here till kingdom come.

Even if Trump didn’t have the power to retaliate against SNL, because the show is satire and thus protected because it is a part of freedom of speech, the fact that he thought he did is scary. And in all honestly, it’s like some of us have forgotten how bad it all was under the Trump administration and how his antics became normal after a while, when they should’ve always been seen as abnormal and dangerous to the people of the United States of America.

Him coming for SNL and trying to go through legal channels to retaliate against them is an abuse of power. It shows that he didn’t care who he faced as long as they knew that he was the top dog. And if they didn’t understand that, then it was time to break out the big guns and show his might as one of the most powerful men in the world. The fact that he tried to bring the hammer down on a sketch show that hurt his feelings is something out of some dystopian novel and I don’t like it one bit.

(image: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

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Image of Lyra Hale
Lyra Hale
Lyra (She/Her) is a queer Latinx writer who stans badass women in movies, TV shows, and books. She loves crafting, tostones, and speculating all over queer media. And when not writing she's scrolling through TikTok or rebuilding her book collection.