Tom Hiddleston Shares What the Future Holds in Store for Him and Loki

Can you smell what the Hiddles is cooking?
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In an interview with ComingSoon to promote his upcoming movie Crimson Peak, Tom Hiddleston was questioned about whether or not he would ever make Loki irredeemably evil if he got a chance to reprise the role. Coming Soon’s interviewer asked,

[…] In the earliest Jack Kirby issues of the comics, Loki was just blatantly evil, but in the movies you’ve given him a great deal of sympathy where he’s clearly trying to please his parents. Now his mother’s dead, he’s usurped Odin, so do you plan to keep him a multi-layered/sympathetic character or is he going to go full-blown supervillain?

Hiddleston explained,

You know, I don’t know. I think I won’t be able to help it if I ever play him again, and I just don’t know when that’s gonna happen, if that’s gonna happen. I would never lose his dimension, but it’s so interesting. I’ve talked with Chris Hemsworth, how those characters have changed as we’ve changed. It’s five years ago since I played him for the first time. That’s a long time ago. So who knows what I’ll be cooking up!


Considering Loki’s history of villainy, it’s impressive that Hiddleston has still managed to make him relatively sympathetic. Do you want that trend to continue?

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