Listen, we all have our Harry Potter crushes. Some people are all about that Boy Wizard. Others consider themselves all Ron’s (count me in that group). Certain groups like them some Neville Longbottom and/or Luna Lovegood. And, of course, all of us can agree that Hermione is a total babe for being super smart and strong-willed. But what about Draco Malfoy? Should we be shipping that sneaky Slytherin?
Well, according to Tom Felton and J.K. Rowling, maybe. But also maybe not.
Check out Felton, who played Draco in the movies, responding to a fan’s photo of her “Draco Malfoy is my boyfriend” shirt.
I'm not too sure Draco would be a good boyfriend. Ron however?
(@jk_rowling I'm sorry girls like Malfoy)— Tom Felton (@TomFelton) August 21, 2015
It’s great to see Felton getting real with fans about Malfoy, suggesting that perhaps some of his villainous tendencies might not make him healthy relationship material and apologizing for making anyone feel otherwise with his performance in the Harry Potter films. It’s also great that he’s not afraid to admit he may have a Harry Potter crush too (commence Ron/Draco fanfic and send to me, please).
But what might be even better than Felton’s candid reaction to that “Draco Malfoy is my boyfriend” shirt is Rowling’s hilarious response to his response. Just look at this playful ribbing:
I don't blame you, Tom. *
* I do blame Tom.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) August 21, 2015
We shouldn’t really blame Felton or Rowling for how we feel about Draco, or any Harry Potter character. Everyone’s has different taste in partners (whether real or imaginary), so much so that we can fantasize about a character in a book and then totally be turned off by the same character in the movie version just because it’s interpreted differently. Sometimes we have to admit that our fantasy crushes, wouldn’t be the best choices in real life for whatever reason (i.e. they have abusive personalities, or other dangerous traits). And sometimes we don’t have to admit that at all because, hey, it’s a fantasy and not a reality, and we can own up to the difference.
That said, who else would ship more of Rowling and Felton (or any Harry Potter cast member for that matter) debating fan issues like this for fun? Let’s get Rupert Grint on the “Ron Weasley is my boyfriend” train?
(via Buzzfeed, image via @89alltoowell)
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Published: Aug 22, 2015 03:30 pm