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Closet cosplay complete. It now takes absolutely no extra effort to make sure no one mistakes you for a muggle and dress like a wizard in your everyday life thanks to the Hogwarts uniform dress. (via Fashionably Geek)
- Get ready for more reanimated Michael Jackson! The Thriller video is coming back to movie screens—this time in 3D! I guess a moonwalking hologram just wasn’t enough. (via io9)
- For the first time, a brain stem stroke patient regained his lost ability to communicate through a brain-computer interface. (via New Scientist)
- The 15-year run of the Naruto manga will finally reach its finale next month. Are you looking forward to seeing the end or did you give up long ago? (via io9)
Maybe this adorable Greedo Fabrikations plush is how George Lucas sees Greedo in his head. That would explain why he decided Han was a monster for firing first. Just look at his little—*laser sounds* (via Geeks Are Sexy)
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Published: Oct 11, 2014 05:30 pm