The Best Cosplay At The 2015 New Orleans Wizard World Comic Con

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This past weekend, the New Orleans Convention Center held several events, including an arm wrestling championship and a formal Mardi Gras ball (I even heard a rumor of a barbershop quartet gathering on Saturday). But the event that turned everyone’s head was the 2015 Wizard World Comic Con, where geeks of all ages converged upon the Convention Center in a smorgasbord of colorful costumes and elaborate crafts.

It’s worth noting that because New Orleanians simply refuse to let a good party end, many of these beautiful creations will most likely be walking around the city streets in a few weeks for Mardi Gras (Pro Tip: if you’re a geek in New Orleans during Mardi Gras and don’t go to the Krewe of Chewbacchus parade, you’re doing it wrong). Without further ado, here is a round up of some of the great cosplay I saw wandering around this year’s New Orleans Comic Con.

(most images via Eris Walsh; Bat Family and Tiny StarLord via Cos Coutur

Eris Walsh (@SheGeeksBlog) is obsessed with Batman, Neil Gaiman, chemistry, Doctor Who, and baseball. She also enjoys scouring conventions for fantastic examples of cosplay craftsmanship and discussing role-playing games (both table top and LARP), comics, movies, etc. with other enthusiasts. Eris can also be found on her blog She-Geeks, where she writes about geek stuff; On Comicosity, where she posts comic book reviews; and on the Krewe du Who community webpage, where she posts weekly reviews of current Doctor Who episodes.

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