Oddly named television network The CW has officially renewed Supernatural for a sixth season, the Chicago Tribune reports. The show’s main storyline, which involved the usual battery of supernatural creatures in the early seasons and (spoiler alert) battling Satan and trying to thwart the Apocalypse in season five — which is currently wrapping up — but Season Six promises to take Supernatural in new and as-yet-unreported directions.
From The CW’s press release:
The network also renewed fan favorite SUPERNATURAL, which will enter its sixth season next year. SUPERNATURAL has one of the most loyal audiences of any show on television and does heroic work in a perennially tough time period. It has improved over last season among women and adults 18-34 (29% and 8%, respectively) this season, a remarkable accomplishment for a fifth-year show.
In addition to Supernatural, America’s Next Top Model, Gossip Girl, the relaunched 90210, and The Vampire Diaries have been renewed.
(via Chicago Tribune)
Published: Feb 16, 2010 02:31 pm