Some may disagree with me, but one of the best things about the Star Wars franchise is the droids. I have not met a Star Wars droid that I didn’t like. They are all great—from the obvious fan favorites like R2-D2 and BB-8 to the humble MSE-6 repair droid. Even if the storyline slows down, toss a droid in there and it is the best scene ever.
The long-awaited Star Wars: Andor series on Disney Plus premieres on September 21st. Yes, it will be great to see Diego Luna return as the titular Cassian Andor. Plus, seeing the Rebellion in its infancy will add another layer to our favorite galaxy far, far away. But, let’s face it, I’m most excited to see the new droid named B2EMO.
Good Boy, B2EMO

Andor takes place five years before the beautifully tragic movie Rogue One. This show will give more background to Cassian’s life and how he became entrenched in the Rebellion. There are going to be a lot of emotions with this one so we need an adorable new droid friend to help us through it. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, creator Tony Gilroy said he wanted “to have a salvage droid, and I want to have a family dog.”
With this simple start, B2EMO, the Groundmech Salvage Assistant droid, came into being (and I love the name because you can never B-2-Emo). So this rectangular, red droid will be like your old loyal golden retriever—except that it beeps at you and can salvage materials. And it goes by B, or B2 for short. Andor’s droid partner from Rogue One, K2SO, was computer generated but B2EMO is a practical special effect. It is a remote control robot controlled by a crew, so it gives off more of a real feel. The little robot even charmed Diego Luna on set. Luna said, “he’s so expressive. With very little, he gives you so much.”
It sounds amazing, and I am hoping I can buy one for my house. Don’t forget to check out the first three episodes of Star Wars: Andor on September 21st, only on Disney Plus.
(feature image: Disney/Lucasfilm)
Published: Sep 16, 2022 01:46 pm