Spotify sure has their hardcore music fans pegged; they’ve debuted a new app that automates the process of making sure you were into a band before everyone else and thus assuring that all the money you’ve spent on bowties, skinny jeans, and old-timey home decor was not a waste.
Spotify users can navigate to the web-based app and log in to find out just how ahead of the curve they’ve really been. If you’ve been within the first 15% of listeners for a “breakout” artist (over 20 million streams and 2,000% listening growth between January 2013 and June 2015), you’ll be verified as an early listener with a “kudos,” because there’s really no more obnoxious word for “congratulations.” If you don’t fall in the first 15% of listeners, we assume you have to hand over your hipster card along with any and all flannel clothing.
On top of being a bit of fun for music lovers, the app is probably a way for Spotify to show off to advertisers how its user data can be crunched to identify trends, as The Next Web points out. Or they produced the entire app ironically. Whichever you think is more likely.
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Published: Sep 9, 2015 10:38 am