As announced by Summit Entertainment yesterday, Erich and Jon Hoeber, the writers behind the screenplay of RED, are at work scripting a second installment of the story. No word yet on what the sequel will entail, plot-wise, but anyone who saw the first movie will be aware that it sets up for a sequel.
A sequel that has John Malkovich in drag.
According to MTV, RED quietly made a nice haul at the box office, thus proving its sequelability. The movie itself was good fun, with a bunch of actors in it who are just a pleasure to watch. Maybe with a sequel they could expand the cast even more. Liam Neeson, for example. Add in Harrison Ford and you’re bridging two generations of Star Wars movies, and making RED a essential part of the vocabulary of any Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon player.
And it also hopefully pays out a nice check to Warren Ellis, writer of the comic RED, on which the movie was loosely based… because he is awesome.
Published: Jan 26, 2011 04:00 pm