The reason the airport is a whole thing when you go through the TSA is for a very famous reason. One we often say “Never forget” about. It seems one Senator….forgot. Really and truly hilarious stuff, this timeline of ours.
Senator Mike Lee from Utah said that we should abolish the TSA. Why? Because he thinks we should “let airlines do their own screening.” So you want airlines like Spirit Airlines to do their own screenings?! That’s just a horrible accident waiting to happen because it is SPIRIT AIRLINES. They can’t even get their planes leaving at the right times.
But even more important is that Lee seems to have forgotten why the TSA was established in the first place. I’ll give you a hint: It was roughly two months after a major event back in 2001.
It seems as if Senator Lee has forgot that the TSA was established because of September 11th. You know, that famous terrorist attack on New York City that has led to so many people having PTSD, losing loved ones, and everyone sharing that we can’t forget about it each year? Did no one tell Lee that he isn’t supposed to forget?
Or did this United States Senator not know why the TSA was implemented in the first place? Now this is a man in his 50s. I say this because we are at a point in our lives where there are people who clearly remember 9/11, were too young to remember or were not yet born. Lee was firmly in the “should remember” 9/11 category and yet!
The TSA was founded by George Bush on November 19, 2001, just a little over two months post the attack that brought town the Twin Towers.
Like yes, they’re annoying but come on
I am the first to complain about the TSA. As someone who often flies for work, it is infuriating how we never know what we’re supposed to do and get yelled at if we ask. Sorry that it is constantly changing! It used to be easy. Shoes off, laptops out, all metal off your person. Now my laptop can stay but only sometimes but my Apple Watch is fine? Make it make sense!
But I also feel way safer knowing that the TSA is doing their job and keeping me safe on a plane. I don’t have to worry about someone sneaking something on to the plane because everyone has been screened. It is so thorough that my cat’s catnip was pulled so they could check it. The TSA is important and keeps millions of Americans safe each and every day.
What exactly is Lee doing to do that? You think a budget airline is going to really screen their passengers well? Or all flights will end up that much more expensive because they’ll have to hire people to do that and it will come back to the Americans who are trying to fly somewhere. So Senator Lee, please take a quick little dive into the history of why the TSA exists. Please, I am begging.
Published: Jan 29, 2025 12:37 pm