I guess my biggest problem with carved soap is that if you use it, it will degrade that which made the object cool in the first place. Eventually this guy is just going to look like every other lump in the soap dish.
On the other hand, you could just prop him up next to the shampoo and pretend that the shower is your own personal sail barge.
The presence of Salacious B. Crumb would be optional, I suppose.
With this bar of soap, you will always be wistfully wondering whether the look on Han’s face is from the excruciating pain of being freeze-dried by technomagic; or because, a split second before the carbonite hit, he walked in on a stranger in the shower.
Well, Boba, you said he’d be no good to you dead. What about soap?
(Luxury Lane Soap via Neatorama.)
Published: Apr 11, 2010 04:57 pm