The Rock Zelda

Everyone Wants to Know Who the Rock Will Be In the Video Game Movie He Hinted At. My Money’s on Legend of Zelda’s Navi


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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently did an interview with Men’s Journal about DC’s Black Adam, due to release this summer. As he spoke about preparing for the role ever since he, quote, “came out of the womb,” he was later asked about bringing any video game characters to the big screen since he has a long history with Microsoft and the Xbox.

I’m sure you can tell what his response was considering the cheeky headline of this piece.

I’ve always been a big Madden fan. I can’t tell you which game in particular we’re doing, but there will be an announcement this year. We’re going to bring one of the biggest, most badass games to the screen—one that I’ve played for years. I’m really excited to bring it to fans around the world. Of course we’re going to do right by our gamer friends—but really we’re just going to make a great movie.

Has The Rock been in any video game movies so far?

Johnson is no stranger to being in video game adaptations. In 2005 he was in Doom which, um, wasn’t very good, but in 2018 he was in Rampage which I, full disclosure, like to watch when I’m in the mood for a brainless action movie where The Rock gets to do what he does best: be an (insert job like a scientist or something along those lines) who just so happens to be able to bench press a tree.

In the case of Rampage, he’s a primatologist.

Believe it or not, those are the only two video game adaptations he’s done. I actually thought he’d done a lot more between the likes of Race to Witch Mountain or G.I. Joe or Jumanji, but those two films are it.

I suppose it’s about time we get a third one, huh?

My favorite responses as everyone tries to guess what the movie is

While the interview is about Black Adam, everyone’s decided to zero in on that video game movie news and try and decide what “badass game” Johnson is preparing to bring to the big screen. While there are serious discussions being had about it somewhere out there, I’ve decided to join the overall consensus of The Rock embodying the likes of Tom Nook, Rosalina, or Kirby.

And then there are certain developers chiming in who could actually be hinting at something… maybe?

Shao Kahn? That’s fine, I guess, but maybe Johnson could revisit his “bisexual awakening Mummy franchise” roots (since he was the Scorpion King) and embrace the likes of Montaro. I think Johnson would be a pretty hot centaur, and, bonus? It’d be a chance to see Montaro in a movie besides Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.

My actual thoughts on what it could be

Since the question mentioned Microsoft specifically, I’m betting the film is based on an Xbox exclusive. I’m a little bit bummed out about it, if I’m being honest, because the whole “badass” phrasing makes me think that it’ll be a heavy action game like Gears of War or, well, maybe there’s more to that Madden comment than we think?

Let me just say that I have nothing against the likes of Gears of War, my fangirl pouting comes from the fact that I actually wouldn’t mind The Rock being in a softer game like the ones everyone’s joking about. Like. Why can’t he be a grumpy villager in Animal Crossing who insists on giving me DIYs I already have? I dunno, I’d be into the idea of him playing a friendly, fun character, and not a grizzled hardass.

Give the muscle bear a character we wanna hug, you cowards!

Who knows, maybe it’ll be a Forza movie so he can go back to a Fast & Furious vibe without Vin Diesel.

What game do you think it’ll be? Furthermore, what game do you want it to be?

(Image: 20th Century Fox/Nintendo)

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Image of Briana Lawrence
Briana Lawrence
Briana (she/her - bisexual) is trying her best to cosplay as a responsible adult. Her writing tends to focus on the importance of representation, whether it’s through her multiple book series or the pieces she writes. After de-transforming from her magical girl state, she indulges in an ever-growing pile of manga, marathons too much anime, and dedicates an embarrassing amount of time to her Animal Crossing pumpkin patch (it's Halloween forever, deal with it Nook)